Women’s Web Notes

Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

January 2025 Web Notes

This was the first Women’s Committee meeting of 2025.

Captain Paula opened the meeting by thanking all of the 2024 committee for working so diligently and as a very friendly and productive team.

Thanks were also expressed to all volunteers during 2024 for helping in the running of our section, which includes arranging sponsorship, checking cards and closing competitions, competition teams, and for setting up the presentation tables, cleaning trophies etc.

Clodagh Doyle was ratified onto the committee as Women’s President and Marie Vickers was ratified onto the committee as Secretary.

Captain Paula informed that she is looking forward to working with our 2025 Committee


Condolences were expressed on the passing of John McAulay and Mary Harvey.


As you are aware the committee queried the capping of competition handicaps under WHS Rule 7.2a and since our communication Golf Ireland have now updated their document Defining Handicap Limits / Divisions in Competitions to include the following wording:

· Setting handicap entry limits: If Handicap limits are in place, competition organisers must be able to provide a justification for any handicap limits.

Review of Townhall Meeting

· Preparation for our Inter-club matches.

President Clodagh volunteered to take on the position of Team Convenor for following:

Liaison with Team Managers

Continuing with the organisation of the over 36 plus handicap Matchplay with Blainroe and Arklow

Organise Team Lessons with Louise

Organise food for competitors

· Survey results for Matchplay competitions: Thanks were expressed to Ilona Madden for organising the confidential survey – the result of which was that competitors would like to choose their own players for the internal Matchplay in 2025 with a High/Low draw for partners in 2026

· The survey also indicated an appetite for a Fourball internal competition, this will be reviewed later the in competition year to see if the calendar can accommodate.

Golf Ireland Course Rating Review

The course rating review from Golf Ireland has been received and handicaps adjusted accordingly. This has led to most members receiving a reduction in playing handicap.

Spring League Competitions

Spring League competition has now commenced and Mary Cahill was thanked for her comprehensive document explaining the rules of this competition.

Social Events:

Christmas Party – 6th December

Everyone expressed that this was a very successful event and enjoyed by all present.

Christmas Decorations

Thanks were expressed to Anne Hollingsworth and her team of helpers in making our club look so attractive for the holiday season.

Children’s Christmas Party

Thanks expressed to Doreen, Maureen O’Dea, Santa and Killian all the elves and helpers for making this such a magical event.

Social Committee

A social committee has now been set up consisting of Grainne Macklin, Susan Henderson, Debbie Kinsella and Marie Vickers. We also have some of the men’s club joining us. We have some social ideas which include

· St. Brigids Day – Florida Scramble

· Valentines Dinner – 14th February (look out for the posters)

· International Women’s Day

· St. Patrick’s golf and Holley

· Bridge Competition

· Play in Pink – May Bank Holiday Monday

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

November 2024 Web Notes

This was the 2024 Women’s Committee last meeting. Captain Valerie thanked all members and stated that she believes the Women’s section and committee had a very successful year.

Special thanks were given to our outgoing committee members: 

· Ilona Madden our outgoing President for her work and support especially for our new members. Her enthusiasm has been really appreciated along with picking up the mantel to compile the club newsletter since our General Manager resigned. 

· Caitriona Fogarty for keeping us all aware of the many course closures during the year. 

Vice-Captain Paula thanked Captain Valerie for her excellent leadership and steering our committee. We all agreed with these comments and those of our Treasurers who thanked our Captain for her leadership, availability to the Committee, her calm approach and willingness to listen to members. 


Condolences were expressed on the passing of Noelle Fogarty the sister of Caitriona.

Review of Townhall Meeting 

The committee felt that the Townhall meeting was very successful and allocated time for reviewing members feedback in relation to the meeting Agenda Points. Update as follows: 

· Categories / Division prizes for competitions - Comprehensive Data supplied in the meeting of 2024 prize winners was well received and it was agreed that there is no need to change the prize format for the 2025 season. Analysis of this data will continue in 2025. 

· Monthly presentation evenings will remain in the Qualifying season and will, where possible, will be held on the evening of the medal (stroke play) competition. 

· We have entered the inter club competitions as agreed in the Townhall meeting. The committee have reached out to Arklow and Blainroe to try and arrange for ‘friendly’ inter-club Matchplay competitions for golfers with a handicap index of 36 or higher. 

· Foursome Matchplay competition – format. An anonymous questionnaire will be sent via WhatsApp asking members to vote whether: 

a. Do you want to have a partnership decided by either: 

i. High/Low draw for partners in 2025 & 2026; or 

ii. Choose own partner 2025 - High / Low draw 2026 

· Potential new Matchplay competition in 2024 – Fourball Matchplay competition. This will be a better ball competition where you choose your own partner. The survey question will be: 

i. Will you be interested in entering a women’s section Foursomes Matchplay and the Fourball Matchplay competition 

· Members Agenda Point: We sent a thank you response to Golf Ireland for providing us with information to answer our members Agenda Points as these were based on R&A / WHS recommendations. We have also asked for the date when they will be sending out communication to club competition committees to ensure they are aware that that need to be prepared to justify reasons, if requested to do so, if they apply WHS Rule 7.2a. (introducing handicap limits to a competition). 

· Preparation for our Inter-club matches. A notice will be posted in the locker room for members to volunteer as team managers. Thanks to the current volunteers as 2025 Team Managers who are, Phyllis Kavanagh, Joanne Logan, Maria Kerr and Ann Nichols. Our teams still need additional volunteers to take on this role. It is really good fun to be part of the team and will also help our section and club continuity planning if we had an experienced team competitor and a new team competitor / member as joint managers for each team. Please don’t exclude yourself from putting your name on the list. Our section Needs you 

· Inter-club Sub Committee – So far, we have had no volunteers for this subcommittee, and really want to encourage a couple of our experienced match play golfers to step forward to take on this role. As discussed we are all aware that there were issued this year we with team food availability, bunkers not 

being in play, co-ordinating team tee times etc. By volunteering you are assisting our section and club’s reputation by having overview of all our inter-club competitions to avoid these types of issues again and ensure that the focus for competitors is their golf. 

· Wednesday winter competition – Team events. We will be looking at introducing some team events as discussed in this meeting. 

· Social Sub- Committee – Following the appeal for volunteers in the meeting, we are delighted to let you know that Grainne Macklin and Susan Henderson have stepped forward to take on this role. Look out for their social event details in our club newsletter, posters and the 2025 web notes.

Club Prize giving 

19th October 2024 club prize giving was very successful. Thanks were expressed to all the helpers who organized the cleaning and engraving of these trophies. There are still some Trophies to be presented at the Xmas dinner celebration on Friday 6th December. These are: 

· Ballycurry Cup – Maureen O’Dea 

· Silver and Bronze Medals (Mary Cahill & Clodagh Doyle) 

· Winter League Prize Winners 

We are delighted that the Gleeson family have offered to donate a Weekend Golfer of the Year Trophy to the women’s section in honour of our deceased member Michael Gleeson. 

Annual Handicap Review 

This has been completed by our Handicap Secretary, Mary Cahill. Details of review have been sent to Golf Ireland for approval. Affected players will be informed once the Golf Ireland approval is received. 

Winter League Competitions - Winter League competitions commence the first week of October 2024 

2025 Committee –Full details of this committee will be part of the club AGM. 

Social Events

Wyder Cup Weekend – This was a very successful weekend with over 20 attendees. Thanks were expressed to Vice Captain Paula for organising this event. The winner of the Wyder Cup Trophy was Angela Singleton for the second consecutive year. We wait to learn of her plans for our 2025 Wyder Cup event.

Christmas Party – 6th December 

Poster displayed with the details of our end of year party and Christmas celebration. Reminder to: 

· Pay for your meal behind the bar during this week 

· Dust off your Christmas outfit – there will be a prize for the best Christmas themed dresser. 

Have a wonderful Christmas.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

October 2024 Web Notes


Condolences were expressed on the passing of Victoria Egan-Leonard

Townhall Meeting – 10th October
Two Agenda points for this meeting were sent by a member to the Committee by the deadline date of 30th September 2024. It was arranged for the Poster of this meeting to be updated and displayed by Secretary Debbie Kinsella. Debbie also distributed the communication notes discussed by the committee on the agenda points and wrote to Golf Ireland & R&A to obtain clarification of the R&A recommended playing handicap percentages.

October 19th Club Prize giving
This has been set for 19th October 2024, in the club house commencing 1830. The committee discussed the volunteers needed for cleaning these trophies and responsibility for organsing for the trophies to be engraved. Maureen O’Dea said that she would oversee both of these tasks. Full list of trophy winners to be communicated to members via the club newsletter. Reminder of the event to also be sent via Women’s WhatsApp.

Winter League Competitions - Winter League competitions commence the first week of October 2024
Handicap Information - Reminder sent by Golf Ireland that scores from societies and from playing abroad also need to be returned for WHS handicap. Please give details to our Handicap Secretary Mary Cahill of these scores, especially if you are playing abroad during our Irish non-qualifying season.

Thanks were expressed to Mary Cahill for writing the document on ‘How to Pre- Register a casual game of Golf’ on the Golf Ireland App. This document will be sent out via WhatsApp and displayed in the locker room when the 2025 qualifying season commences.

New Members – Cards for handicap
Thanks, were formally expressed by the committee to President Ilona, in her committee meeting absence, for her work with encouraging new members to participate in club events and obtain handicaps. The committee and club members look forward to meeting new members and assisting with marking cards on Tuesday evenings in the 2025 qualifying season so that we can all participate in and enjoy our qualifying competitions.

Club Sponsors
Thanks were expressed to our 2024 sponsors, there are a few sponsors that will not be available for 2025 season, so we are looking for new sponsors to take their place. If you, or any company you know, will be willing to sponsor one of our competitions please contact Clodagh Doyle

Thanks, were also given to Treasurer Maureen O’Dea for her detailed ‘Lessons Learned from 2024 sponsorship document’ which will be a good point of reference for the 2025 committee.

2025 Committee
The 2025 committee was discussed during this meeting with informal details to be given in the Townhall meeting with voting for the committee to take place in the club AGM.

Social Events
Wyder Cup Weekend – thanks were expressed to Vice Captain Paula Johnston for organising this annual weekend golfing competition for our members. This is an annual WGC women’s tradition that has been going on for over 20 years. The trophy is ‘wacky’ with the annual winner adding an additional piece to the trophy. This year’s Wyder cup competition is being played in Coolatin Golf Club. All participants stay in Woodenbridge Hotel to celebrate the winner of the Wyder Trophy and hand out their White Elephant prizes to each other during the 4-course meal in Redmond’s private dining area. The next morning there is a scramble competition at Woodenbridge Golf Club. Angela
Singleton was the 2023 Wyder Cup Trophy winner so will be preparing the trophy for the next worthy winner. There are over 30 ladies joining in the weekend fun on 2nd / 3rd November.

Christmas Party – 6th December
Plans are underway for the Christmas Party, on Friday 6th December, this will include prize giving for

• Winter League competitions

• Ballycurry Cup

• Silver Medal Winner – Mary Cahill

• Bronze Medal Winner – Clodagh Doyle

Details of meal price and music provider to be communicated via a Poster when full details are available to the committee.
So that you can prepare there will be a prize for the best Christmas themed outfit, so it is nearly time to start planning your outfit and get out the tinsel!

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

September 2024 Web Notes


Condolences were expressed to Angela O’Sullivan and Past Captain Joyce Hourigan’s families, with sympathy cards sent in token of our respect. 

September Prize Giving 

The last formal prize giving of 2024 will be on Wednesday 25th September. Food will be available until 8:30 pm, please pre-order in the Pro-shop if you have a tee time of 4pm or later.


President Ilona’s Competition 

It was agreed that this was a very successful day and social event. Thanks were expressed to President Ilona for making this a memorable event. Congratulations to all the winners, we hope that you enjoy your prizes. The committee are updating notes on this and the Captain’s day for future officers. 

Saturday 28th September – Lesley Hopkins Memorial Trophy

Qualifiers for this competition are the competitors who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in our 2024 Medal competitions. Wishing you all the best of luck and an enjoyable round.

Winter League Competitions

Winter League competitions commence the first week of October 2024 

Winter League Rules as follows: 

This year the Wednesday Winter League competition shall be 14 Holes when course conditions are suitable. It will run from Wednesday 2nd October to Wednesday 4th December inclusive (10 weeks). The seven best scores of the ten weeks shall count for the league. (This is subject to change depending on weather and course condition). The entry fee for the weekly 14 Hole competition shall be €5 and the entry fee for the league shall be €10. There shall be weekly prizes dependent of the number of entries. The number of prizes presented for the league will be dependent on the number of entries but it is expected to be in the order of 4 or 5 prizes.  

On Wednesdays there shall also be a 9 Hole Competition which will not be part of the winter league. Entry fee for the 9 hole competition shall be €3. 

The Weekend Winter League shall commence the weekend of October 5th / 6th and run until the weekend of Nov 30th / Dec 1st (9 weeks). The seven best scores of the nine weeks shall count for the weekend league. (This is subject to change depending on weather and course condition). The entry fee for the weekend 14 Hole competition shall be €5 and the entry fee for the league shall be €10. The number of prizes presented for the league will be dependent on the number of entries, but it is expected to be in the order of 4 or 5 prizes.  

Points for both the Wednesday and Weekend Leagues shall be awarded as follows: 1st: 10 points, 2nd: 8 points, 3rd: 7 points, 4th: 6 points, 5th: 5 points, and so on down to 1 point being awarded to all entrants each week. 


New Members – Cards for handicap – Important notice  

The Tuesday late afternoon / early evening golf slots are still available for new members to be able to have cards marked for their handicap. The qualifying season will be ending soon, so we encourage as many of you as possible to get your cards marked otherwise this will need to wait until 2025 qualifying season.  


Townhall Meeting for Women Members – 10th October 2024  

The committee discussed the format of this meeting, which will be an opportunity for feedback from our section in relation to the 2024 golfing calendar so that members have a voice to assist with the completion of the 2025 golf planning both internal and external competitions.  

Full details of this meeting are an appendix to these web notes, and this poster will be displayed in the locker room and sent by WhatsApp to all our members.  


Christmas Party – 6th December  

Plans are underway for the Christmas Party, on Friday 6th December, this will include prize giving for  

  • Winter League competitions 

  • Ballycurry Cup 

  • Nine Hole Matchplay 

  • Foursomes Matchplay 


There will also be a prize for the best Christmas themed outfit so nearly time to start planning your outfit and get out the tinsel! 

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

August 2024 Web Notes

President Ilona Madden’s Prize

Plans discussed for this golf competition and the evening event on 31st August. Posters will be designed and displayed giving details of same. It was agreed that the unveiling of President Ilona’s main prize will take place on Wednesday 28th August during the evening prize giving presentation. We hope that our members will support these social and golf events, which are a way to meet other
club members and support our President.

July Prize giving

The 31st July prize giving was a happy event, where we had the opportunity to thank our sponsors and share in each other’s achievements, which is an encouragement to us all. We even had some members dancing in the Young at Heart Regatta event held in the club on the same evening.

New Members – Welcome to WGC

We are delighted to see that we have so many new members over the last couple of months. We look forward to meeting you all in the near future. All new members have been added, or sent an invite request, to both our main WGC WhatsApp group and the new members WhatsApp group. These, along with our web notes with a summary of Committee meetings are our main sources of communication.

Key Dates for remainder of year

These dates were formally agreed in this August meeting and a poster of same has been displayed in clubhouse and sent via WhatsApp. The committee look forward to celebrating these dates with you all.

Communication Received

Two pieces of communication were received from members in relation to following:

1. Lesley Hopkins Salver – A committee decision was made earlier this year based on an understanding that this memorial Salver had originally been donated for presentation to the overall medal winner for each competition year. The understanding was that only the
monthly medal winners competed for this Salver. However, we received a communication from a long-standing member who informed that, from inception, the qualifiers for this competition were those who were placed 1, 2, or 3rd in the monthly medals. In this knowledge the committee reverted to the historic entry requirement and all persons qualifying for entry in this competition based on the results of the April, May, June and July medal results were informed of their qualification for entry in this competition which will be held on Saturday 28th September 2024. We wish all participants for the August and September medal competitions luck in qualifying for the Lesley Hopkins Salver competition. We hope that other members come to the clubhouse to see entrants play the 18th hole of this competition and celebrate with all competitors and the overall winner.

2. Matchplay competitions - The Competition committee organised for 3 women’s Matchplay competitions in 2024 seasons.

1. High / Low mixed Matchplay

2. Ballycurry Cup

3. Nine Hole Plate

The women’s competition committee tried to accommodate all its members in these competitions and capped the Ballycurry Cup entry for members with a playing handicap up to 36 and the nine hole plate for members with a playing handicap of 37 or more. This decision was based on WHS rule 7.2a as below:

7.2a Terms of the Competition

The Committee in charge of a competition may set entry/ eligibility requirements within the Terms of the Competition relevant to a player's Handicap Index or calculated Playing Handicap. For example, the Committee can:

  • Set a maximum Handicap Index for entry or use in the competition.

  • Set a maximum Playing Handicap.

  • Reserve the right to adjust the Playing Handicap of an entrant where there is evidence that the player’s Handicap Index does not reflect their demonstrated ability.

    However, we were challenged by a long-standing member with a query based on the ethos that WHS means golfers of all abilities are able to compete on a fair and equal basis and enquired as to the grounds that allow a WHS be capped for competitions. As we, could not answer a query based on a WHS Rule, we referred this query to the R&A a governing body of WHS. This led to a number of communications and resulted in a face-to-face remote call with a representative of the R&A Handicap team. During this call and from our communication we were made aware that the WHS wording for rule 7.2a pre-dates WHS. Therefore, we could not provide an answer to our member’s query as to what grounds can a capping of a handicap be applied under WHS. In view of the information received from the R&A, the committee made a decision to extend the entry deadline and remove the handicap restriction for both the Ballycurry Cup and Nine Hole Matchplay to all eligible women members. Although this delayed our Matchplay competition draws we feel that the effort taken to research the well-intended members query was very worthwhile.

    Nine and Dine Friday 26th July

    This was agreed as a very successful and well supported event, which even had a waiting list.
    Unfortunately, some participants on BRS could not make the competition and had not removed their name from BRS which meant that members on the waiting list did not get a chance to play. Please remember to remove yourself from BRS if you are unable to play and as a courtesy also inform your playing partners.

    New members opportunity for cards to be marked for Handicap

    The committee agreed to organise for 3 lines marked as Handicap Card Marking to be put on the BRS on Tuesday evenings. A rota whereby one existing members will be put on each of these 3 lines will be set up which will give new members an opportunity and dedicated person to join for card marking. We ask that you input your names into these tee times ASAP so that the card marker can
    know who they are meeting.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

June & July 2024 Web Notes

Amalgamation of Web notes 

Due to some of the committee being on holiday on the date set for the July 2024 meeting, this was brought forward to Tuesday 25th June and therefore it was agreed to amalgamate these web notes to cover a summary of both the 6th and 7th committee meetings which were held in June 2024.

Captain Valerie’s Competition 

This was a planning focus for the 4th June meeting and lessons learned exercise on 25th June. Valarie specifically thanked Secretary Deborah Kinsella and Mary Cahill the Handicap and Competition Secretary, and her competition team for all their support in planning and running this event. It was the first major competition for this new committee, and we are compiling a template for same so that we can remember all of the aspects and finances involved in running this prestigious competition and social. We have received positive feedback and are glad that participants enjoyed the event and evening social. 

The new course toilets were opened for use for this competition and a reminder that the entry code is CY1904

Summer Prize giving events and etiquette for Prize winners 

A poster has been designed and displayed giving the dates for the July and August prize giving evenings. The social committee have organised with the kitchen and club management that food is available for the below dates up to 9pm, however, if you have a tee time after 5pm could you please place your food order with the Pr- Shop prior to playing golf.  

The next prize giving evenings will be:  

  • Wednesday 31st July 

  • Wednesday 28th August (to also include unveiling of President Ilona’s prize) 

Full details of winners for each evening event and its associated sponsors  will be provided nearer to each event. Members are encouraged to abreast of our news on the WGC Ladies WhatsApp group and keep abreast of committee news via these web notes.   

A number of new members have asked the committee what the protocol is for accepting a winning sponsership prize, so we have compiled the below which we hope will be useful.

Etiquette for prize winners  

Main Prize winner at the Prize giving evening to give thanks to: 

  1. The Sponsor 

  2. Their playing partners by name 

  3. Course staff (comment on course /weather conditions on the day) 

  4. Bar / kitchen for serving of food to accommodate the prize giving 

Please be aware that there may be more than one Sponsor’s prizes at any one prize giving presentation, therefore each winner of a sponsored competition will give a short thank you based on the above 4 points.  

It was felt that it would also be a nice gesture if each prize winner sends a thank you note note to the applicable sponsor.  

New members Texas Scramble competition Tuesday 2nd July 2024  

President Ilona has contacted the new members since Covid to arrange this competition and social afterwards to meet the 2024 committee. We are delighted to see such a positive response. Members that do not have a current GI handicap will be given a handicap of 40 for this event and the team handicap will be calculated accordingly.  We hope you have a very enjoyable game and evening.  


WGC Ladies WhatsApp Group  

This is now updated with to include all current 2024 members. If, however, you are not receiving the messages please informed Debbie Kinsella on 086 161 6065.  


Handicaps –. Captain Valerie’s Competition Clear guidance or feedback could not be obtained by our Competition Secretary from Golf Ireland (GI) as to whether the handicaps should remain the same for this 2-day competition as the timeframe did not fall into the examples given by GI. The GI examples were in relation to a 2-day competition with the rounds being played within 2 days of each other or 2-round competition with a timeframe of over one month before the rounds. Our Captain’s Day competition had 3 days between the rounds. Mary Cahill will ask for clarification on whether there should be a change in handicap between day one and day two if the competition rounds are 3 days apart at the next GI Handicap workshop. In the absence of full GI clarity all handicap changes from Day 1 were valid for the second round of Captain’s Valerie’s competition. 

Captain Michaels’ Prize and social – This was a fantastic event and enjoyed by all. Thanks were expressed to Captain Michael.  

Slow Play – Please keep up with the group in front of you and familiarise yourselves with the Golf Etiquette document in the members section of WGC website.  

Best wishes and flowers were sent to Christine Ryan as she recovers from her operation, and we all wish Christine and her son Stephen a speedy recovery. 

Women in Golf initiative was discussed with the objective to hold this ‘taster of golf’  event in September for a ‘for women who may be interested in taking up golf as a hobby. Discussions are in progress with our Pro Louise and when known will be communicated in our newsletter.  

Request for club maintenance to repair the flicking light in our locker room and fix the wood that was loose at the end of the dresser in the shower room. These items have now been rectified. Request to look at the flushing of the toilets (long standing issue) and toilet rolls and soap to be put in the new course toilets stilt in progress.  

Competitions – coming soon  

President Killian Jameson’s Prize to the Women 20th July 2024 – entries close 10th July 2024 

President Ilona Madden’s Prize  - 31st August 2024. Unfortunately, this date had to be changed due to a double booking for the bar / restaurant on the original agreed date for this competition.  

Club Matchplay :

Entry sheets now available in locker room. Please put entry sheet into a brown envelope with your name, competition and entry fee amount written on envelope.  

Barrycurry Cup - 18-hole match play competition maximum course handicap for competition 36.  

9 Hole singles Matchplay - 37+ Course handicap. 

This competition is now named the Committee 9 Hole singles Matchplay and it was agreed by the committee that funds will be used to purchase a tray that can be engraved to recognize this internal competition.

Women’s Foursomes – 18 hole matchplay. This will be a draw for 2 person team with mix of handicap.  

5-day members can participate in all, applicable competitions on the understanding that a green fee needs to be paid for all matches that are played at a weekend.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

May 2024 Web Notes

Minutes from the April 2024 meeting were approved and signed and all associated actions were discussed and either completed or agreed as ’ in-progress’ with assigned follow up actions.

Web-Notes Discussion and whether:

1. There was enough interest shown in reading these notes to continue.

2. The web-notes should be approved at the next committee meeting prior to publishing the notes.

Point 1: Rosemary Kavanagh kindly researched and provided data on the view statistics for 2024 to date as follows:

· 16 views in week to date

· 63 views in previous 30 days

· Additional 33 views in previous 60 days

· 231 views in 2024 YTD.

It was therefore agreed by the committee that the Secretary would continue to compile web notes. A committee thank you email sent to Rosemary for providing this information and her continued support in uploading the web-notes to WGC Members section of the website.

The log on password to the members section of the website to be sent to current members via the club newsletter as a number of members had informed they did not know this password to keep abreast of all WGC notices and committee communications.

Point 2: From a member’s verbal query, the committee discussed whether the web-notes should be sent after the approval of the associated Minutes of Meeting. The committee agreed that the.web-notes are written to provide timely communication to members of committee actions and competition details and that this information could be outdated if the web-notes are not sent until after the next committee meeting. The web-notes are distributed, along with the Minutes of Meeting by the Secretary to all committee members, for feedback and approval before the approved version is sent on to Rosemary Kavanagh for upload to the WGC website.

WGC Ladies WhatsApp Group – This forum, along with these web-notes are the main communication by the women’s committee to its members. The committee has been aligning the current members mobile numbers to the WhatsApp Group and will be revising the WhatsApp group to ensure it only includes current members. A message will be sent to all members of this WhatsApp group prior to this update to inform them that if they lose access to this group or if they wish to be removed from receiving this committee communication to contact Deborah Kinsella on 086 161 6065.

Communication was sent to a member who raised a query on Prize Fund allocation and long-term memento for Medal winners. Captain Valeria and Treasurer Maureen have reviewed the allocation of prize funds for the women’s section and the 2024 committee agreed to changes in the criteria for calculation the value of women’s prizes. From April '24, the prize allocation will be 50% (or as close as possible) of the (non-sponsored) competition entry fees in prizes. The prize structure for 18 holes is as follows:

· 2 to 10 players - 1 prize

· 11 to 15 players - 2 prizes

· 16+ players - 3 prizes

For example, if there were 24 women playing on a Wednesday (non-sponsored comp), total competition entry fees would be €168. At 50%, €84 will be given out for the three prizes. Last year, this would have been €60. This equates to an increase of 40% which is significant.

The committee reviewed the medal winner prize of embroidered towels together with the main sponsor prize of the day. It was agreed by the 2024 Committee that winning a medal competition is worthy of a long-term memento. As our members are aware, the price of the medal 'pins' is now prohibitive and therefore the committee explored a number of alternatives. We chose an engraved wine glass for each medal month of 2024 which will be awarded together with the medal winner towel and main prize. These medal prizes and in particular the engraved medal winner wine glass received very positive feedback from a number of our members at the presentation on 1st of May

Play in Pink – Extremely successful and well-planned afternoon tea with a pre-loved dress sale prior to main event which was held on Bank Holiday Monday 6/5/24. Raised over €9,600 . A big thank you to all who organised and participated in this event.

Handicaps –The new handicap system came into effect from 1/4/24 and in future fourball competitions will be qualifying competitions.

Captain Michaels’ Prize on 18/5/24. It was agreed that all competitors need to have a fully developed handicap and have completed one qualifying card in 2024 season. This was reduced from the previous criteria of 3 qualifying cards in the current qualifying season) as the inclement weather had prohibited the start date for 2024 qualifying season.

Captain Valerie’s Competition – Details of this 2-day stroke competition were agree and Poster’s have been displayed in the clubhouse with full competition details. The unveiling of Captain’s Prize will be on Wednesday 5/6/24 – 2030 hrs, along with the monthly prize giving. We look forward to seeing you all at this event.

Update to Women’s Competition and General information plus How to Enter a competition. – This document has been updated by Competition & Handicap Secretary Mary Cahill, Treasurer Maureen and Clair Higgins. Thanks were expressed for the work put into this comprehensive document which will be displayed in the Locker room.

Competitions – Season now underway thanks expressed to all competitors and team managers.

Club Matchplay Mixed Competitions: Handicap must be fully developed and 3 x 18 holes to be returned in current year. MC liaising with Margaret in office for update to date information.

Women’s Matchplay Club Competitions: Need referees for each match: Ballycurry Cup, Women’s Foursomes, Mixed Foursomes.

Due to daylight hours, it was agreed by the Committee of a change to the September and August Medal dates: The August medal will now be one week earlier, and the September medal will be held on Wednesday 11th September.

Lesley Hopkins Salver – Medal winner play off on September 28th with all 2024 medal winners qualifying for entry to this competition.

R&A Internal Qualifier for Coronation Foursomes to take place on Wednesday 5th May. Details to be posted by Competition Secretary.

Nine n Dine – Friday 24th May, Shotgun start at 1800 hrs. Trial for hopefully a successful addition to the competition and social calendar.

R&A Men’s and Women’s 9-hole competition to be held on bank holiday Monday 3rd June.

Additional thanks to:

Competition Secretary and her sub-committee and all the card checkers

Clodagh and Gerry Doyle for working on the 2024 sponsorships for WGC competitions

Our valued sponsors

All those who volunteered to be Team Captains and part of the Prize Table Rota

Paul Maguire for agreeing to join Mary Cahill as a WGC Designated Liaison Person.

To all our members for their support of our committee and participating in our weekly competitions, social events and teams.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

April 2024 Web Notes

Minutes from the March 2024 meeting were approved and signed and all associated actions were discussed and either completed or agreed as ’ in-progress’ with assigned follow up actions.

Condolences were extended to Grainne Ring and her family on the passing of her mother.

Congratulations to all prize winners and thanks to everyone who came out to support the Spring League prize presentation night. It was wonderful to see such a turnout. Feedback on the prizes has been very positive. The final standings table for the Spring League has been posted on our website.

Wicklow have achieved Gold Standard in the Women in Golf Charter. Golf Ireland will arrange to get our award to us. Well done to everyone involved with achieving this.

The new process of calculating course handicaps was introduced by Golf Ireland from 1st April 2024. Mary Cahill, our Competition & Handicap Secretary, attended a Golf Ireland session in Bray Golf Club on 6th March. New handicap tables have been posted on the boards, in our locker room & on the website.

Handicap Categories for Prizes. There was an extensive discussion around this at the Committee meeting. Maureen O’Dea completed a detailed analysis which indicates that there is no benefit to introducing categories for prizes. The data shows that wins are spread evenly across all handicaps over the course of the year. A previous analysis completed by past committees came to the same conclusion. Maureen was thanked for her good work on this matter.

Play in Pink Day – the timesheet is open for booking. Official flyers and posters for this event are to be distributed and it will be promoted in the upcoming Club newsletter. A 9-hole singles competition for both women and men at the end of the day is to be included.

Captain Michael’s prize to the Ladies: Captain Michael has agreed that he can change his date as his original date clashes with the Senior Foursomes competition at Blainroe. The new date is 18th May 2024. Please mark this date in your diary.

The date for the qualifier competition of the Granard Cup is to be confirmed and will be communicated via WhatsApp to everyone.

Team Managers

Thanks to all those who have volunteered so far but as you can see we have a number of vacancies to fill. Please let us know if you are willing to volunteer as a Team Manager.

Team Managers Required for:

Irish Mixed Fourball

Leinster Women’s Trophy

Cullen Cup

Boyne Cup

Women’s Matchplay Club Competitions: Referees will be required for the following matches: Ballycurry Cup, Women’s Foursomes, Mixed Foursom


If you can volunteer some of your time to assist with the smooth running of our women’s section please contact Captain Valerie or any member of the Women’s Golf Committee.

If any member wishes to communicate with the Golf Committee, please email ladiesgolfwicklow@gmail.com as near as possible to, and by 1700 hrs. on, the Friday prior to the next committee meeting.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

March 2024 Web Notes

Minutes from the February 2024 meeting were approved and signed and all associated actions were discussed and either completed or agreed as ’ in-progress’ with assigned follow up actions. 

We discussed potential reasons why so few of the women are volunteering to keep our section running effectively. We have a very small committee and really need your assistance, so we are starting these web notes with a genuine message:

Volunteers required for

· Rota for prize presentation table 

· Prizes 

· Sponsorship - please contact Clodagh Doyle. 

· Competition sub-committee 

· Food & Beverage 

And last, but not least as the competitive season will soon be starting: 

Team Managers

Thanks to all those who have volunteered so far but as you can see we have a number of vacancies to fill:

Irish Mixed Foursomes Ilona Madden 

Junior Cup Maria Kerr & Bernie O’Donoghue 

Senior Foursomes Clodagh Doyle 

Intermediate Foursomes Rosemary Kavanagh & Therse Porter 

Minor Foursomes Caitriona Fogarty 

Leinster Women’s Challenge (9 holes) Ann Nicols & Joanne Logan 

Revive Maureen O’Dea

Team Managers Required for:

Irish Mixed Fourball 

Leinster Women’s Trophy 

Cullen Cup 

Boyne Cup 

A meeting for the Team managers will be held and in the near future. if any member wishes to be added, or removed, from the Matchplay WhatsApp please let a member of the Women’s Golf Committee know. 

New process of calculating course handicaps is being introduced by Golf Ireland from 1st April 2024. There is an information meeting on 6th March in Bray golf club in relation to this topic and Mary Cahill, our Competition & Handicap Secretary, will be attending and communicating to us all changes / requirements prior to 1st April 2024. 

International Women’s Day competition format and planning for the day discussed and thanks expressed to involved committee members and WGC staff for their assistance. We are delighted that our Pro Louise has offered to speak at this event. We hope that everyone enjoys the day and competition. 

Play in Pink Competition – registration for this event has been carried out and separate communication will follow. 

The committee continued their discussion on prize value and requested further information to ensure that they gather relevant facts and figures, in order to make an informed decision. We envisage that this decision will be made and communicated to members prior to our first qualifying competition. 

The Spring League prizes were discussed, based on the relating entry fees and it was agreed that there will be 4 x Weekday prizes and 6 x Weekend prizes. League table’s for the Spring League will be communicated via WhatsApp by the competition committee. Competition is getting very competitive, so please continue with your entries for one of the main prizes. 

Date for your Diary - Spring League Prize giving at 2000 hrs. in the Clubhouse on 27th March 2024. We would be grateful if you could all attend this first Prize giving of 2024. 

The key date communicated for Captain Michael’s prize to the Ladies on 25/5/24 is under review as this now clashes with the Senior Foursomes competition at Blainroe. When a new date for Captain Michael’s competition is arranged the Key Date information will be updated and communicated. 

We will be asking the CoM if the 2024 committee members and the corresponding photos can be updated on the club website. 

If any member wishes to communicate with the Golf Committee, please email ladiesgolfwicklow@gmail.com as near as possible to, and by 1700 hrs. on, the Friday prior to the next committee meeting. 

Current dates for the 2024 remaining Women’s Golf Committee meetings: 

· Tuesday 2nd April 

· Tuesday 7th May 

· Tuesday 4th June 

· Monday 2nd July 

· Tuesday 6th August 

· Monday 2nd September 

· Monday 7th October 

· Monday 4th November 

If you can volunteer some of your time to assist with the smooth running of our women’s section please contact Captain Valerie or any member of the Women’s Golf Committee.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

February 2024 Web Notes

Minutes from the January 2024 meeting were approved and signed and all associated actions were discussed and either completed or agreed as ’ in-progress’ with assigned follow up actions. 

Vice-Captain Paula has volunteered as the Chair of the House Committee and will be looking at the suggestions raised in the club 2023 AGM and club survey. Paula informed that the spring menu and new initiatives are being discussed and will be communicated to members as soon as known and approved by the Committee of Management. The objective is to have these details available for communication early April 2024. 

Captain Valerie is continuing recruiting members as Team Managers. If you are interested in becoming a Team Manager, please contact Valerie. 

The committee thanked President Ilona for her work in assisting with the compilation of the WGC Newsletter, which is receiving very positive feedback.

New process of calculating course handicaps is being introduced by Golf Ireland from 1st April 2024. There is an information meeting on 6th March in Bray golf club in relation to this topic and Mary Cahill, our Competition & Handicap Secretary, will be attending and communicating to us all changes / requirements prior to 1st April 2024. 

Captain Valerie and Competition & Handicap Secretary Mary have nearly finalised the 2024 competition schedule and will communicate same to WGC Administration to facilitate set up of the BRS. 

International Women’s Day competition format and planning for the day and communication of same were discussed at length and agreement made amongst the committee for the distribution of the approved to WGC members and within the wider community. We hope that you will all join in this event and invite your golfing or non-golfing friends to this event. Louise Darcy has agreed to be the main speaker at the event. 

The weekday Spring League has not had the usual number of entries and we would appreciate feedback on same. However, the weekend Spring League has more entries than norm. The presentation night for the Spring League is on Wednesday 27th March. 

Play in Pink Competition – registration for this event is underway and details will be communicated to members by competition organisers. 

The committee discussed the possibility of introducing Handicap Categories for competition prize winners and agreed that during the period from 13th Feb to 4th March all committee members will assist with the collation of information from a number of sources to discuss options, this will include, but is not limited to, WGC men’s section, other local golf club offerings, data from our 2023 competitions. This information will facilitate an informed decision being made for the prize allocation for the 2024 competitions and time to communicate to members prior to our first qualifying competition. 

If you wish to sponsor a competition in 2024 or know of a business that may be interested in sponsoring one of our women’s competitions, please contact Clodagh Doyle. A list is displayed in the locker room if you wish to contribute towards sponsorship of a member’s competition. 

If any member wishes to communicate with the Golf Committee, please email ladiesgolfwicklow@gmail.com as near as possible to, and by 1700 hrs. on, the Friday prior to the next committee meeting. 

Current dates for the 2024 remaining Women’s Golf Committee meetings: 

· Monday 4th March 

· Tuesday 2nd April 

· Tuesday 7th May 

· Tuesday 4th June 

· Monday 2nd July 

· Tuesday 6th August 

· Monday 2nd September 

· Monday 7th October 

· Monday 4th November

Volunteers Neeed:

Golf Ireland 

We ask members to start thinking about the possibility for being a volunteer to stand for Golf Ireland so that there Leinster region has a ‘voice’ within this organisation. Nominees and election process will commence towards the end of this year. 

Wicklow Golf Club 

We still have vacancies on women’s sub- committees and are looking for volunteers for following: 

· Rota for prize presentation table 

· Prizes 

· Sponsorship 

· Competition sub-committee 

· Food & Beverage 

Please support our section by calling Women’s Captain Valerie, who hopes to hear from you soon.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

January 2024 Web Notes

Thanks were expressed to the previous Women’s Golf Committee and their respective sub-committees for their hard work and dedication to our section over several years and for their assistance in their handover of tasks and paperwork. We are extremely grateful these members are offering their support and time to assist with this change of all committee roles, especially whilst we wait in hope that some of the members will soon volunteer to assist on the Competitions sub-committee.  

Paula Johnston was co-opted onto the Committee in the role of Vice Captain.  

Caitriona Fogarty was co-opted onto the Committee in the role of Course subcommittee liaison.  

Both Paula and Caitriona were welcomed as valuable committee members.  

President Ilona will continue to meet all new women members and hand out the Welcome Pack which will be updated with the 2024 committee details when the official photos are available.  

Arrangements were agreed for the Key Competition dates for 2024 to be distributed via WhatsApp and posters designed and printed for display in the Locker Room.  

In accordance with Golf Ireland guidelines, the Handicap Committee reviewed all handicaps which resulted in 24 manual handicap adjustments consisting of 10 increases and 14 reductions. These handicap changes were updated on the BRS system for all current competitions.  

The following inter-club match-play competitions have been entered: 

  • Irish Mixed Foursomes 

  • Irish Mixed Fourball 

  • Junior Cup 

  • Senior Foursomes 

  • Intermediate Foursomes 

  • Minor Foursomes 

  • Leinster Women’s Trophy 

  • Leinster Women’s Challenge (9 holes)   

  • R&A 9-hole Challenge 

  • Revive Active Leinster Women’s Fourball 

  • Boyne Trophy 

  • The Granard Cup 

  • Silver & Bronze Medals 

  • Australian Spoons 

Captain Valerie will be calling members looking for Team Managers. If you have are interested in becoming a Team Manager, please contact Valerie.  

The competition sponsorship raised in 2023 from our members will commence to be used from Wednesday 17th January for the 9-hole competition.  

The weekend Spring League will continue with its existing rules and commence Saturday 13th January – Entry €10.  

The 9-hole Spring League was discussed at length to try a new way of running this competition to cut down on administration time for a small committee.  This Spring League will commence on Wednesday 17th January with details being sent via WhatsApp and displayed in the Locker room over the preceding weekend.  

The medal prize was discussed and will be investigated further and when full details are finalised a response will be sent to the member who raised the query.  


If any member wishes to communicate with the Women’s Golf Committee, please email ladiesgolfwicklow@gmail.com as near as possible to, and by 1700 hrs. on, the Friday prior to the next committee meeting. 

Current dates for the 2024 Women’s Golf Committee meetings: 

  • Monday 12th February  

  • Monday 4th March 

  • Tuesday 2nd April  

  • Tuesday 7th May 

  • Tuesday 4th June 

  • Monday 2nd July 

  • Tuesday 6th August 

  • Monday 2nd September 

  • Monday 7th October 

  • Monday 4th November  


We still have vacancies on sub- committees and are looking for volunteers for the following: 

  • Rota for prize presentation table 

  • Prizes  

  • Sponsorship 

  • Competitions sub-committee 

  • Food & Beverage 

Please give your support by calling Captain Valerie, who hopes to hear from you soon.  

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

November 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Michael Quinn, past Officer and Trustee and Jo Clarke, past member, on their recent deaths. 

A meeting was held recently with three representatives from the Women’s, Men’s and Junior Committees as well as the Chairperson of the Junior Committee. The purpose of this was to discuss the email received from the Golf Ireland, to get input from the three committees and get a better understanding of each other’s points of view and any concerns they may have. A report will then be sent to the CoM. The present Junior Committee are happy with the criteria in place for both girls and boys to play in adult competitions and are not looking to make any changes. They are happy with how the Junior season went and plan to enter more interclub competitions next year. 

Emails and letters received from Golf Ireland 

· Annual Handicap Review 2023 

· 2024 World Handicap System Update 

· Vice-Captain Workshops for the Leinster region 

· Texaco Support for Sport 

The bad weather has continued to disrupt the league competitions. We have heard that some ladies think the Winter and Spring leagues have run their course while others think they are still relevant. A suggestion was made to run a survey asking for opinions on the leagues. This will probably happen in the new year.

It was pointed out that the kitchen is closed on Tuesdays (for a weekly deep clean) and we may be losing potential green fees for this reason. The matter will be raised at the CoM meeting. 

The Annual Handicap Review will be done on Tuesday, 14th November. 

€7,600 was raised from the Race Night. All who attended had a great time. 

The Children’s Christmas Party will take place on Saturday, 16th December. 

Christmas decorations will need to be put up soon. It would be great to have some men involved also and to do them when the Maintenance man is working. 

The Women’s Christmas Dinner is on Friday, 8th December. The cost is €22 for a 2 course meal –Turkey & Ham /vegetarian option and Christmas Pudding for dessert. The Chef will be asked to provide a second option for dessert. The price may then increase. The Committee will provide a DJ on the night. Christmas outfits will be requested but are not mandatory. Women must book and pay behind the bar.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

October 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Lauren Quinn, Malachy Brennan, Justin Connolly Snr and Pat McEntaggart on their recent deaths. 

The Wicklow Cup U20’s team had a great win over Bray in Blainroe last Saturday. All present congratulated the squad and the managers. 

Emails/items received from Golf Ireland: 

· WHS Annual Review information Seminars 2023 

· Golf Ireland Girls Junior Medal 

· Silver and Bronze Medals 

· Feedback was received on the Junior Policy 

An email was received from a woman who strongly objects to Club towels as prizes for the Monthly Strokes competitions and would like the prize to remain as a pin. A reply was sent explaining that the cost of pins is too expensive. A number of options were considered but towels were deemed the best option and the committee believe that many women will be proud to display their towels on their bags 

The Club AGM takes place on Wednesday, 13th December.

The Winter Leagues numbers are low due to course closures. Some members who don’t live nearby are reluctant to travel for 9-holes only. It was pointed out that they can play more than 9. They could re-enter and play a second time or continue out the back 9. It was asked if the league could change to 14 holes but this wouldn’t work due to timesheet constraints throughout the week. It could be very difficult for women to re-enter during the week as different holes could be in operation then. 

Despite many reminders there are still a lot of women who don’t attend the League Presentation nights and don’t arrange for anyone to collect their prize. This means that the women who organise the Leagues are left with prizes, sometimes for many weeks. It was agreed that if this happens at the Winter League presentation night that woman will get one of the prizes that are left after everyone else in attendance or who has arranged for someone to collect their prize has done so, regardless of how high up in the rankings she is. 

President Doreen nominated Ilona Madden to be next year’s Women’s President. 

The Club Presentation night takes place on Saturday, 21st October. 

The Women’s Christmas Dinner is on Friday, 8th December. 

The dates for next year’s Woman’s Captains Prize were booked towards the end of August but since then a wedding has been booked for the same date.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

September 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Evelyn Lalor, Hannah Ferguson, Kathleen Marah and May Kavanagh on their recent deaths. 

A local rule should be put in place regarding relief from the new distance marker discs on the fairways if they interfere with your stance or ball. This will have to be put in place by the Golf Committees and an email sent to all members. 

President Doreen said that the Little and Large season-ending competition was a great success, with everyone having a fantastic time. 

Emails received from Golf Ireland: 

· Sports Energy Support Scheme 

· Webinar on National Fertilizer Database Requirements 

· Silver and Bronze Medals 

· Women in Golf Charter Gold Standard. I. Madden will follow up on this

The CoM will share any feedback from the G.I. representative who they discussed the Junior Policy and Playing Rights with. 

An email was received from the Committee of Management secretary regarding a formal response to the Women’s Golf Committee’s complaint in May. The CoM decided not to proceed with Disciplinary action and the member was requested to submit any complaint using the Complaints and Grievance Policy. 

Emails were received from the NCBI regarding a Fundraising Sweep that they are running in conjunction with the Irish Open and the hosting of the Regional finals of the Granard Cup (women) and Holmpatrick Cup (men) on 4th September. 

An email was received from Roscrea Golf Club re the All-Ireland Captains’ Prize Winners Competition 2023 and this was passed to the winner of the Women’s Captain’s Prize this year. 

An email went out to all members regarding the setting up a the Competition Purse. The Women’s Treasurer has forwarded some questions to the General Manager about it regarding our 9-hole Winter and Spring leagues.

It was suggested that maybe next year the Women’s & Men’s Competitions Sub-Committees could look at setting a matchplay rule that competitors must have played in a minimum of three 18-hole qualifying competitions in the current calendar year of entry. 

The last Stroke play competition takes place this week. Notifications will then go out to the monthly qualifiers of the deadline date for entry to the Lesley Hopkins Silve Salver play-off competition on 30th September. 

The Silver and Bronze Medals have been received and will be presented to the winners at the Club Presentation night in October. 

The Winter Leagues will be starting soon. The first week in the 9-hole league will run from Thursday to Tuesday. Notices will go up soon. 

All present congratulated the Intermediate Cup team on winning the Leinster South Regional final and commiserated with them on the loss in the All-Ireland Quarter Final. 

Tomorrow is Greenkeeper Appreciation Day. A post will be put on the Women’s WhatsApp group and on Facebook.

It was noted that if two members on the same line have booked a buggy there is no discount if they share a buggy. If there is no discount then the members will more than likely take a buggy each. This will result in unnecessary wear and tear on both buggies, with both of them needing to be charged after play and one less buggy available to other members. 

The U20 Wicklow Cup team were wished the best of luck in their next match.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

August 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of member John Ferguson on his recent death. 

Suggestions for the monthly medal were a piece of glass (either an actual glass or a plaque) Pen, Bracelet or a Slate plaque. The jewellers said it would be very expensive to get a glass and get it engraved also. One committee member brought a glass plaque similar to those available from Lonergan’s Gifts. The various options were discussed but all present thought the best option is to get some golf towels with the Club logo and Monthly Medal Winner written on it. 

A Junior report was received the day after the July meeting and this was forwarded to the Women’s Golf Committee but there is no current report from the Junior Committee. 

Captain Christine said that the Captains’ competitions for Juniors were held over 2 days and were very successful. Aislinn Redmond and Zach Nichols were the two main winners.

Emails received from Golf Ireland; 

· Area Development Coaching Programme 

· Information on the Golf Ireland Regional Finals being held in the Club on 29th July 

· New National Fertilizer Database Requirements 

· Sports Capital & Equipment Programme Webinar 

An email was received from a woman member regarding a No Show on the timesheet which left her on her own with no one to mark her card. The email was sent to the Women’s Golf Committee and a WhatsApp message was sent to all women asking them to take their name off in a timely fashion and, if possible, to inform their playing partner(s). 

An email was received from a woman member regarding the deadline for bookings in Majors. It was discussed but all agreed that the present rules for Major competitions remain for this year and next year’s Committee can consider it then. 

Neil Kilgannon from Golf Ireland attended the recent CoM meeting and spoke about the One Club programme. He said only two Clubs on the island of Ireland have adopted the full One Club policy. 

Neil said as Women and Men have equal rights on the timesheet and pay the same yearly subscription we should have received a Gold Standard certificate for the Women in Golf Charter. He will look into it. 

Tenders were sought for the on-course toilet. To date only two have been received but three are needed. There is also a problem with the water supply. 

The draws were made for all the matchplay competitions and are posted on the noticeboard. There was no entry for the Higher Handicap Foursomes Matchplay. Entry for President Doreen’s prize is now open. Phyllis Kavanagh’s sponsorship has been re-scheduled to September due to the Intermediate Cup team playing in the Leinster South Regional final. 

President Doreen was wished good luck for her prize week and the Intermediate Cup team were wished good luck in the Leinster South Regional final on 13th August in Beech Park. 

It was agreed to hold the draw for President Doreen’s Prize in the Clubhouse and President Doreen will display her prize on the night.

Newcastle Design will sponsor a tee box and one of the women’s competitions next year. 

A member raised the matter of the flag poles on the practice area. He said that the area is a wind tunnel and the flag poles are often bent over in the wind and damaging the holes. He asked if smaller flag poles could be used. The matter will be raised with the Head Greenkeeper. 

The bushes on the path beside the 12th green still need to be cut back and the pathway and bridge on the 7th hole need to be fixed.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

July 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Robert (Whaler) Doyle and Annie Doyle on their recent deaths. 

Suggestions for the monthly medals were a towel or a glass, both with the Club logo and Monthly Medal Winner written on it. Medals have nearly doubled in price since we last bought some. 

The CoM held a meeting for Junior parents. Two male parents raised the Junior Girl issues but the Chair asked them to write in if they have any questions. Some parents came forward after the meeting to volunteer to help and Damien Marah is taking the role of Club Children’s Officer. 

Emails received from Golf Ireland re Cross Border Scoring and Girls Inter Club 2023 – Leinster region. The girls were congratulated on their fabulous golf on the day. 

An email was received from the PGA Southern Branch, thanking the Club for our donation. Ther winners were notified of the date of the competition in Carlow Golf Club. 

An email was received from the National Breast Cancer Research Institute thanking us for the monies raised from our Play in Pink Day. The final sum will be at least €10,500. President Doreen was asked if next year she would consider donating some of the money raised to the local hospice but she explained that the Play in Pink Days are specifically for Breast Cancer Research and they provide prizes for the competition. 

Some beginner women have been feeling under pressure on the course from more experienced golfers. They requested some reserved slots specifically for beginners on Mondays and Wednesdays. This was agreed by CoM and was arranged with the office. 

Some assistance may be needed from committee members with the Leinster South Regional Finals that will take place in the Club on Saturday, 29th July. The Women’s Golf Committee will arrange for flowers to be put around the Club house and diffusers and toiletries in the women’s locker room, shower room and toilets 

An email was received from a parent with a query on the Approved Junior Girls Handicap Index requirement for weekend golf. The approved response covers the question asked, “why is there a disparity in the Handicap Index requirements for Approved Junior Girls and Boys?”. All present hope that this is the end to the Junior issues and that everyone can move on. 

Competitions are running smoothly. The 17th hole still has to be remeasured with the tee marker in the middle of the new tee box. It was suggested that from next year onwards a list of Medal dates be forwarded to the Greenkeeper in January. 

All present congratulated Captain Christine on her great prize week. 

The date for the Race night has been changed to 11th November. Race cards are available now for sponsorship. 

The bushes on the paths on the 11th and 12th holes need to be cut back. 

A member of a visiting team borrowed a caddy car from Louise during a match but she didn’t pay for it. The Committee agreed to refund the €10 cost to Louise. Louise was complimented on being so helpful. 

The Intermediate and Boyne Teams were congratulated on their recent wins. 

Congratulations were extended to Ronan Merrigan who recently won the U11 Irish Junior Open.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

June 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Evelyn Goodman on her recent death. 

Ilona Madden attended the meeting as the Junior Representative. She explained the difficulty in finding someone to take on the role of Club Children’s Officer. The General Manager will take the role on a temporary basis. The first Junior competition is on Friday. Ivars Feldberg and Killian Jameson have set up all the competitions for the Junior season with help from Una Doyle and Joanne Logan. Joanne and Brian Murphy will look after the Junior Girls and Boys Interclub competitions. Rosemary Kavanagh will look after the Junior’s Golfer of the Year. 

It was also suggested that Ilona ask the CoM to hold a meeting with the parents of the Junior members to explain the situation to the parents and ask that they step up and help the Junior section. This happens in other sports clubs. 

Ilona spoke about the Safeguarding issues surrounding Junior Girls playing in the Ballycurry Singles matchplay. It was pointed out that Safeguarding issues apply to all adult competitions that Juniors play in. An email should be sent to all members asking them to be mindful of how they act and what they say when playing with Juniors. 

Emails received from; 

Golf Ireland re Weekly reports 

Guinness World Records rejecting the application for the Largest Gathering of People with Pink Hair. 

A letter was received via the CoM from one family regarding the issues they have as a family with the change to the playing rights of Juniors within the Club. 

Another letter was received from a member regarding handicap restrictions in some competitions. 

The positions of the tee markers were perfect for the last Medal competition and a thank you message was sent to the Head Greenkeeper. 

The Granard Cup (Women) and Holmpatrick Cup (Men) regional finals will be held in Wicklow Golf Club on 4th September. 

The General Manager is still looking for sponsors for the tee boxes. 

A Race night has been organised for the 21st October. 

It was noted that the concrete base for some of the old 100 yard and 150 yard post markers have been left without the posts and are a Health and Safety issue. The pathway on the 7th hole from the bridge to the tee box and the bridge itself are also dangerous. Captain Christine will bring the matter to the attention of the CoM. 

There are only four Medals and one Hole-in-One prize left in stock as well as only one Past Captain’s pins left. These are now extremely expensive and the Committee will need to think about alternatives for next year. 

The Golf Ireland regional finals will take place on 27th July and the Granard Cup regional finals on 4th September. The Committee agreed to purchase some flowers and other items that will help present the Women’s locker room in a better light. 

Captain Christine was wished the very best of luck for her Captain’s week.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

May 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Patrick (Puddin) Doyle and Tom Malone on their recent deaths. 

A Junior representative attended the meeting and proposed that six girls be approved to play in Women’s competitions. Four were approved to play in Women’s Tuesday and Wednesday competitions, one was approved to play in Women’s 9-hole competitions and the other girl still needs one more card to have a fully developed handicap and be eligible to play in Women’s competitions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The role of Club Childrens Officer is still vacant. No girls are approved to play in Women’s weekend competitions. 

Emails were received from Golf Ireland re the Leinster Committee Day, Switch to Default Markers reminder, reminder that all queries and results are forwarded to the competition convenor. Entry forms for the Play in Pink competition, Courtown Interclub Trophy and Valerie Doyle competitions were posted. The Play in Pink competition will be singles this year. This will allow men and women to play together and no-one will be stuck looking for a partner. 

The CoM is looking into setting up a Competition Purse. There won’t be an option to opt out of it. It should make the three Treasurer’s jobs easier. The competition fees will go into one bank account but reports can be done to see the breakdown for women and men. 

Juniors are not allowed enter the 2’s competitions when playing in adult competitions. 

The Handicap Review was completed. 16 women still don’t have fully developed handicaps and they will be monitored. 

The Office is being asked to open the back 9 on the BRS for Fridays when the Rabbits are playing on the front 9. The Office is also being asked to make the BRS calendar available to all members for at least a month in advance. 

The Women’s Golf Committee has previously requested that the distance marker on the Women’s 17th tee box be moved to the middle of the tee box but nothing has been done about it. There is also problems on some tee boxes where there is not always space to move back 2 club lengths from the markers. 

It was noted that members no longer get discount in the bar when using their membership card. Members pay the same rate as outsiders. In other clubs members get a discount of up to 20%. The Club is also one of the dearest places in town for coffee. The matter will be brought to the attention of the General Manager. 

A sponsor was extremely upset over the bar being closed on the day of her sponsorship and as a result the only women who attended on the night were those who were taking part in the pottery painting event. A woman member has written to the CoM regarding this matter.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

April 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of member Joe Vickers and Kitty Jameson (Killian Jameson’s mother) on their recent deaths. 

Emails were received from Golf Ireland re the new President Elect for the Leinster Region and a new Secretary, Sports Energy Support Scheme and a reminder of G.I.’s A.G.M. It was agreed that we will enter the Valerie Doyle competition this year. Sheila O’Malley has changed membership to Social. She said she was honoured to have been the Lady Captain, Lady President and the first female Trustee of the Club. She thanked the committees over the years for their work and looks forward to attending some of the social events and matches throughout the year.  The Chairperson of the CoM said that the Terms of Competitions (regarding Junior Girls playing rights in Women’s competitions) that the Women’s Golf Committee agreed on at our two February meetings should go into our Competitions document now. 

A new shop in the town, Canopy, which is based on Church Street, is willing to sponsor a women’s competition and will provide four prizes. 

If we have handicap restrictions in competitions we should offer alternative competitions for higher handicap players. Handicap restrictions have been lifted from Tuesday competitions and Fourball and Foursome competitions. The Men’s Competitions sub-committee has agreed to lift the handicap restrictions for Team events and will review it at the end of the year. This year we will run a Foursomes matchplay for higher handicap women. We already do this for the Singles matchplay. Higher handicap women can enter either matchplay but will be restricted in handicap for the Ballycurry Cup singles and our Foursomes matchplay events. 

For a woman to be eligible to win first prize in a major competition she must have a fully developed handicap record (20 rounds on her record). This is in addition to the requirement that she must also have played in three 18-hole competitions within the current year. 

The Junior issues were discussed at length again. The CoM is happy with our criteria and rationale behind it. The Women’s Competitions sub-committee had at least 5.5 hours of meetings during January and early February and then discussed everything at length with the Women’s Golf Committee. 

The Grounds staff will be asked that our tee boxes allow at least 2 club-lengths from the markers to the back of the tee boxes. There needs to be a sign on the Men’s 6th tee box to alert players of those on the 8th fairway. The general rule is that you give way to players who are further advanced on the course. 

Maria Kerr has donated a scarf that she got from the ILGU when the new Clubhouse opened. It will be framed and put up in the locker room. 

The International Women’s Day was a great success and all thoroughly enjoyed it. The atmosphere was great, the food was fabulous and Phyllis was fantastic dressed as Dotty Tottenham.

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Rosemary Kavanagh Rosemary Kavanagh

March 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Anne Ronan, Myles Kavanagh and Joan O’Reilly. 

Emails were received from; 

the NCBI to confirm our entry for this year’s the Granard Cup 

Golf Ireland re hosting Golf Ireland Championships 2024-2027, advertising Junior Opens, Golf Ireland’s AGM, Interclub draws are live 

the office to say we have a new member 

The CoM will look into getting a Course Ranger. 

18-hole competitions resume this coming weekend but will remain as non-qualifying for the moment.

The Junior Policy was discussed again. The CoM responded to the Junior Committee on behalf of the Women’s and Men’s Golf Committees. The Women’s Golf Committee will join the Men’s Golf Committee and meet with the full Junior Committee. It was suggested that a member of the CoM chair the meeting. All complimented the Junior Committees over the last number of years on the terrific job that they are doing in building up the Junior section. 

A Team Managers meeting will be held on Monday, 13th March at 7pm. 

The Team Managers contact details for Golf Ireland will be filled in online during the week but it will be the end of the month before these are made available to Clubs. 

President Doreen, Captain Christine and Anne Hollingsworth did a big spring clean in the women’s locker room in preparation for the International Women’s Day competition.

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