October 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Lauren Quinn, Malachy Brennan, Justin Connolly Snr and Pat McEntaggart on their recent deaths. 

The Wicklow Cup U20’s team had a great win over Bray in Blainroe last Saturday. All present congratulated the squad and the managers. 

Emails/items received from Golf Ireland: 

· WHS Annual Review information Seminars 2023 

· Golf Ireland Girls Junior Medal 

· Silver and Bronze Medals 

· Feedback was received on the Junior Policy 

An email was received from a woman who strongly objects to Club towels as prizes for the Monthly Strokes competitions and would like the prize to remain as a pin. A reply was sent explaining that the cost of pins is too expensive. A number of options were considered but towels were deemed the best option and the committee believe that many women will be proud to display their towels on their bags 

The Club AGM takes place on Wednesday, 13th December.

The Winter Leagues numbers are low due to course closures. Some members who don’t live nearby are reluctant to travel for 9-holes only. It was pointed out that they can play more than 9. They could re-enter and play a second time or continue out the back 9. It was asked if the league could change to 14 holes but this wouldn’t work due to timesheet constraints throughout the week. It could be very difficult for women to re-enter during the week as different holes could be in operation then. 

Despite many reminders there are still a lot of women who don’t attend the League Presentation nights and don’t arrange for anyone to collect their prize. This means that the women who organise the Leagues are left with prizes, sometimes for many weeks. It was agreed that if this happens at the Winter League presentation night that woman will get one of the prizes that are left after everyone else in attendance or who has arranged for someone to collect their prize has done so, regardless of how high up in the rankings she is. 

President Doreen nominated Ilona Madden to be next year’s Women’s President. 

The Club Presentation night takes place on Saturday, 21st October. 

The Women’s Christmas Dinner is on Friday, 8th December. 

The dates for next year’s Woman’s Captains Prize were booked towards the end of August but since then a wedding has been booked for the same date.


November 2023 Web Notes


September 2023 Web Notes