Women’s League

Wednesday Spring League 2025

Wednesday 15th January – Wednesday 19th March inclusive (10 Weeks)

View Standings

1. Wednesday Singles Competitions will be held from 15th January to 19th March 2025 with an option for women to enter the Spring League over these 10 weeks.

2. The cost to enter the Wednesday Spring League is €10.

3. A player’s best 6 weeks over the period will count for scoring league points. For every weekly competition entered a player will receive 2 league points.

4. Points will be awarded each week if a minimum of 8 women play on the day even if they have not entered the league.

5. Additional points will be awarded each week for league players who play and feature in the top 10 league places:

· 12 points for 1st place

· 10 points for 2nd place

· 8 points for 3rd place

· 7 points for 4th place

· 6 points for 5th place

· 5 points for 6th place

· 4 points for 7th place

· 3 points for 8th place

· 2 points for 9th place

· 1 point for 10th place

6. Please enter your name on the sheet on the notice board and place your Wednesday Spring League entry fee in an envelope in the scorecard box prior to playing your first league competition. You may enter the league at any time throughout the competition period.

To assist the committee please ensure that you clearly state your name, the date of entry and the league you are entering on the envelope.

7. Enter the Wednesday singles competition as normal and play the designated format on the day. The number and sequence of holes being played may be altered on a weekly basis depending on weather and ground conditions.

8. In the event of a tie the overall winners will be decided on the number of firsts, seconds, third, etc.

9. In the event of no play due to bad weather, course closure, etc., the above rules may be amended.