May 2024 Web Notes

Minutes from the April 2024 meeting were approved and signed and all associated actions were discussed and either completed or agreed as ’ in-progress’ with assigned follow up actions.

Web-Notes Discussion and whether:

1. There was enough interest shown in reading these notes to continue.

2. The web-notes should be approved at the next committee meeting prior to publishing the notes.

Point 1: Rosemary Kavanagh kindly researched and provided data on the view statistics for 2024 to date as follows:

· 16 views in week to date

· 63 views in previous 30 days

· Additional 33 views in previous 60 days

· 231 views in 2024 YTD.

It was therefore agreed by the committee that the Secretary would continue to compile web notes. A committee thank you email sent to Rosemary for providing this information and her continued support in uploading the web-notes to WGC Members section of the website.

The log on password to the members section of the website to be sent to current members via the club newsletter as a number of members had informed they did not know this password to keep abreast of all WGC notices and committee communications.

Point 2: From a member’s verbal query, the committee discussed whether the web-notes should be sent after the approval of the associated Minutes of Meeting. The committee agreed that the.web-notes are written to provide timely communication to members of committee actions and competition details and that this information could be outdated if the web-notes are not sent until after the next committee meeting. The web-notes are distributed, along with the Minutes of Meeting by the Secretary to all committee members, for feedback and approval before the approved version is sent on to Rosemary Kavanagh for upload to the WGC website.

WGC Ladies WhatsApp Group – This forum, along with these web-notes are the main communication by the women’s committee to its members. The committee has been aligning the current members mobile numbers to the WhatsApp Group and will be revising the WhatsApp group to ensure it only includes current members. A message will be sent to all members of this WhatsApp group prior to this update to inform them that if they lose access to this group or if they wish to be removed from receiving this committee communication to contact Deborah Kinsella on 086 161 6065.

Communication was sent to a member who raised a query on Prize Fund allocation and long-term memento for Medal winners. Captain Valeria and Treasurer Maureen have reviewed the allocation of prize funds for the women’s section and the 2024 committee agreed to changes in the criteria for calculation the value of women’s prizes. From April '24, the prize allocation will be 50% (or as close as possible) of the (non-sponsored) competition entry fees in prizes. The prize structure for 18 holes is as follows:

· 2 to 10 players - 1 prize

· 11 to 15 players - 2 prizes

· 16+ players - 3 prizes

For example, if there were 24 women playing on a Wednesday (non-sponsored comp), total competition entry fees would be €168. At 50%, €84 will be given out for the three prizes. Last year, this would have been €60. This equates to an increase of 40% which is significant.

The committee reviewed the medal winner prize of embroidered towels together with the main sponsor prize of the day. It was agreed by the 2024 Committee that winning a medal competition is worthy of a long-term memento. As our members are aware, the price of the medal 'pins' is now prohibitive and therefore the committee explored a number of alternatives. We chose an engraved wine glass for each medal month of 2024 which will be awarded together with the medal winner towel and main prize. These medal prizes and in particular the engraved medal winner wine glass received very positive feedback from a number of our members at the presentation on 1st of May

Play in Pink – Extremely successful and well-planned afternoon tea with a pre-loved dress sale prior to main event which was held on Bank Holiday Monday 6/5/24. Raised over €9,600 . A big thank you to all who organised and participated in this event.

Handicaps –The new handicap system came into effect from 1/4/24 and in future fourball competitions will be qualifying competitions.

Captain Michaels’ Prize on 18/5/24. It was agreed that all competitors need to have a fully developed handicap and have completed one qualifying card in 2024 season. This was reduced from the previous criteria of 3 qualifying cards in the current qualifying season) as the inclement weather had prohibited the start date for 2024 qualifying season.

Captain Valerie’s Competition – Details of this 2-day stroke competition were agree and Poster’s have been displayed in the clubhouse with full competition details. The unveiling of Captain’s Prize will be on Wednesday 5/6/24 – 2030 hrs, along with the monthly prize giving. We look forward to seeing you all at this event.

Update to Women’s Competition and General information plus How to Enter a competition. – This document has been updated by Competition & Handicap Secretary Mary Cahill, Treasurer Maureen and Clair Higgins. Thanks were expressed for the work put into this comprehensive document which will be displayed in the Locker room.

Competitions – Season now underway thanks expressed to all competitors and team managers.

Club Matchplay Mixed Competitions: Handicap must be fully developed and 3 x 18 holes to be returned in current year. MC liaising with Margaret in office for update to date information.

Women’s Matchplay Club Competitions: Need referees for each match: Ballycurry Cup, Women’s Foursomes, Mixed Foursomes.

Due to daylight hours, it was agreed by the Committee of a change to the September and August Medal dates: The August medal will now be one week earlier, and the September medal will be held on Wednesday 11th September.

Lesley Hopkins Salver – Medal winner play off on September 28th with all 2024 medal winners qualifying for entry to this competition.

R&A Internal Qualifier for Coronation Foursomes to take place on Wednesday 5th May. Details to be posted by Competition Secretary.

Nine n Dine – Friday 24th May, Shotgun start at 1800 hrs. Trial for hopefully a successful addition to the competition and social calendar.

R&A Men’s and Women’s 9-hole competition to be held on bank holiday Monday 3rd June.

Additional thanks to:

Competition Secretary and her sub-committee and all the card checkers

Clodagh and Gerry Doyle for working on the 2024 sponsorships for WGC competitions

Our valued sponsors

All those who volunteered to be Team Captains and part of the Prize Table Rota

Paul Maguire for agreeing to join Mary Cahill as a WGC Designated Liaison Person.

To all our members for their support of our committee and participating in our weekly competitions, social events and teams.


June & July 2024 Web Notes


April 2024 Web Notes