June & July 2024 Web Notes
Amalgamation of Web notes
Due to some of the committee being on holiday on the date set for the July 2024 meeting, this was brought forward to Tuesday 25th June and therefore it was agreed to amalgamate these web notes to cover a summary of both the 6th and 7th committee meetings which were held in June 2024.
Captain Valerie’s Competition
This was a planning focus for the 4th June meeting and lessons learned exercise on 25th June. Valarie specifically thanked Secretary Deborah Kinsella and Mary Cahill the Handicap and Competition Secretary, and her competition team for all their support in planning and running this event. It was the first major competition for this new committee, and we are compiling a template for same so that we can remember all of the aspects and finances involved in running this prestigious competition and social. We have received positive feedback and are glad that participants enjoyed the event and evening social.
The new course toilets were opened for use for this competition and a reminder that the entry code is CY1904
Summer Prize giving events and etiquette for Prize winners
A poster has been designed and displayed giving the dates for the July and August prize giving evenings. The social committee have organised with the kitchen and club management that food is available for the below dates up to 9pm, however, if you have a tee time after 5pm could you please place your food order with the Pr- Shop prior to playing golf.
The next prize giving evenings will be:
Wednesday 31st July
Wednesday 28th August (to also include unveiling of President Ilona’s prize)
Full details of winners for each evening event and its associated sponsors will be provided nearer to each event. Members are encouraged to abreast of our news on the WGC Ladies WhatsApp group and keep abreast of committee news via these web notes.
A number of new members have asked the committee what the protocol is for accepting a winning sponsership prize, so we have compiled the below which we hope will be useful.
Etiquette for prize winners
Main Prize winner at the Prize giving evening to give thanks to:
The Sponsor
Their playing partners by name
Course staff (comment on course /weather conditions on the day)
Bar / kitchen for serving of food to accommodate the prize giving
Please be aware that there may be more than one Sponsor’s prizes at any one prize giving presentation, therefore each winner of a sponsored competition will give a short thank you based on the above 4 points.
It was felt that it would also be a nice gesture if each prize winner sends a thank you note note to the applicable sponsor.
New members Texas Scramble competition Tuesday 2nd July 2024
President Ilona has contacted the new members since Covid to arrange this competition and social afterwards to meet the 2024 committee. We are delighted to see such a positive response. Members that do not have a current GI handicap will be given a handicap of 40 for this event and the team handicap will be calculated accordingly. We hope you have a very enjoyable game and evening.
WGC Ladies WhatsApp Group
This is now updated with to include all current 2024 members. If, however, you are not receiving the messages please informed Debbie Kinsella on 086 161 6065.
Handicaps –. Captain Valerie’s Competition Clear guidance or feedback could not be obtained by our Competition Secretary from Golf Ireland (GI) as to whether the handicaps should remain the same for this 2-day competition as the timeframe did not fall into the examples given by GI. The GI examples were in relation to a 2-day competition with the rounds being played within 2 days of each other or 2-round competition with a timeframe of over one month before the rounds. Our Captain’s Day competition had 3 days between the rounds. Mary Cahill will ask for clarification on whether there should be a change in handicap between day one and day two if the competition rounds are 3 days apart at the next GI Handicap workshop. In the absence of full GI clarity all handicap changes from Day 1 were valid for the second round of Captain’s Valerie’s competition.
Captain Michaels’ Prize and social – This was a fantastic event and enjoyed by all. Thanks were expressed to Captain Michael.
Slow Play – Please keep up with the group in front of you and familiarise yourselves with the Golf Etiquette document in the members section of WGC website.
Best wishes and flowers were sent to Christine Ryan as she recovers from her operation, and we all wish Christine and her son Stephen a speedy recovery.
Women in Golf initiative was discussed with the objective to hold this ‘taster of golf’ event in September for a ‘for women who may be interested in taking up golf as a hobby. Discussions are in progress with our Pro Louise and when known will be communicated in our newsletter.
Request for club maintenance to repair the flicking light in our locker room and fix the wood that was loose at the end of the dresser in the shower room. These items have now been rectified. Request to look at the flushing of the toilets (long standing issue) and toilet rolls and soap to be put in the new course toilets stilt in progress.
Competitions – coming soon
President Killian Jameson’s Prize to the Women 20th July 2024 – entries close 10th July 2024
President Ilona Madden’s Prize - 31st August 2024. Unfortunately, this date had to be changed due to a double booking for the bar / restaurant on the original agreed date for this competition.
Club Matchplay :
Entry sheets now available in locker room. Please put entry sheet into a brown envelope with your name, competition and entry fee amount written on envelope.
Barrycurry Cup - 18-hole match play competition maximum course handicap for competition 36.
9 Hole singles Matchplay - 37+ Course handicap.
This competition is now named the Committee 9 Hole singles Matchplay and it was agreed by the committee that funds will be used to purchase a tray that can be engraved to recognize this internal competition.
Women’s Foursomes – 18 hole matchplay. This will be a draw for 2 person team with mix of handicap.
5-day members can participate in all, applicable competitions on the understanding that a green fee needs to be paid for all matches that are played at a weekend.