January 2021 Web Notes
As Teresa Scanlan and Liz Cuddihy both resigned from the committee at the end of the year Lady Captain proposed that the committee co-opt Joanne Logan onto the committee. Lady President Ann seconded the proposal and it was passed unanimously. All present welcomed Joanne onto the committee.
Condolences were extended to Áine Kavanagh on the recent death of her grandmother Nanette Barlow.
All correspondence received was forwarded to the committee throughout the month. Lady Captain Clodagh and vice-Captain Ilona will attend the ILGU (Zoom) EGM on 28th January.
Golf Ireland emailed the Inter-Club Competitions Entry Form. The committee discussed whether we would enter these competitions this year. It was agreed that we would enter the four singles matchplays, the two foursomes matchplays and the fourball matchplay, the cost of which is €375.
An email will be going out to all members asking for early payment of this year’s subs if possible. Work on the 6th green has started. A decision on AGM’s will be made soon. Clair Higgins and Gerry Doyle were both co-opted onto the CoM following the resignation of Ian Mooney and Ian Cuddihy at the end of the year. Clair will be the Junior representative on the committee.
Ilona Madden said a number of people stepped down from the Marketing committee at the end of the year; Brendan Hickey who looked after the Facebook account, Ian Mooney who looked after Twitter and Sean who looked after Instagram. Ilona, Shane Doyle, Rosemary Kavanagh, Mary Cahill and Bo McKeever will take over these social media accounts. Ilona asked that if anyone has or takes good photos of the course that they send them on to one of the sub-committee members.
The Ladies Zoom Christmas Party night was very successful. Once we know what restrictions will be in place at the end of the month the committee may run another fun night. We will discuss this at February’s meeting.
Everyone was wished a happy and healthy year.