February 2021 Web Notes
Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Brendan Cottrell (Phil Laverty’s brother), John Kavanagh (Billy Kavanagh’s brother), Tricia Frost (Pat Roche’s daughter), Louise Kavanagh (past Lady President) and Denis Scanlan (past member) on their recent deaths.
The email from Golf Ireland on Interclub Handicap Information will be forwarded to team managers once the dates for matches become available.
Some vouchers still have to be distributed which will happen once COVID restrictions are lifted.
Three new lady members were approved at CoM. Lady President would normally have met them in person but due to COVID restrictions she was unable to do so. She has, however, written to them to welcome them to the Club.
Work on the 6th green is going well; the green was sodded during the last week.
The Junior sub-committee is working on plans for the year.
Louise D’Arcy will be launching her new app within the next week or two. The app is called Xpos Caddie. Louise is considering doing Zoom keep fit classes while Ilona Madden said she has spoken to Alex Silva about the possibility of doing Pilates classes.
Members are asked to continue to post photos on the Facebook pages. Ilona and her sub-committee were congratulated on the great job they are doing behind the scenes. A suggestion was made that the Club do the Jerusalem Challenge. This was discussed and most thought that it was a good idea, especially if we could get ladies, men, grounds staff and bar staff involved. While it is not possible to meet in large groups it is hoped that people could send in videos and maybe Shane could put them together with the music. Lady Captain will mention it at the next CoM meeting.
The team managers are the same as last year with the exception that Lady President Ann will co-manage the Irish Mixed.
Junior Cup – Phyllis Kavanagh
Intermediate Cup – Siobhan McEntaggart & Mary Cahill
Minor Cup – Maeve O’Boyle & Mary Stapleton
Challenge Cup – Doreen McGettigan & Phyl Long
Senior Foursomes – Breda Carroll & Eilish Roche
Junior Foursomes – Valerie Brennan & Clair Higgins
All-Ireland Fourball – Una Doyle & Joanne Logan
Boyne Trophy – Rose Kelleher-Cox & Anne Hollingsworth
Irish Mixed Foursomes – Lady President Ann Nichols
Cullen Cup – Ilona Madden
Courtown Interclub Shield – Therese Porter
Team Liaison – Una Doyle
The Ladies club was congratulated on coming third in the Play in Pink photo competition.