December 2020 Web Notes

The Junior Committee have put forward two proposals – one for casual golf and one for competition golf.  The CoM will decide on the casual golf proposal while it is up to the Ladies and Men’s Committees to decide on the competition golf proposal. 

A lengthy discussion took place.  All present want to do what is best for Junior’s and encourage them to stay in the Club.  However, all agreed that the Ladies Committee will allow Junior girls to play in Wednesday competitions but not in the Tuesday or weekend competitions due to the large number of Full members who have to go on the Waiting List each weekend.  The Ladies Committee will not set a limit on handicaps but will take advice from the Junior Committee.  The Junior Committee will assess each junior individually, taking into account age, maturity and ability before forwarding the name to the Ladies Committee for approval.  Any Junior Girls accepted by the Ladies Committee to play in Ladies competitions will only have access to the timesheet the week before the competition and will be limited to after 11.30am on Wednesday’s.


January 2021 Web Notes


November 2020 Web Notes