April 2021 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Jimmy Fitzpatrick on his recent death.


The Committee are aware that there may be a problem fielding some teams this year as a result of COVID.  All agreed that if 3 or 4 out of 5 players (2 out of 3 for foursomes matches) are available for a match then the match will go ahead.  It will give some of the newer players vital matchplay experience.  Team managers will be informed of this so that they can inform their players of the Committee policy.


Golf resumes on Monday, 26th April with play limited to two households only and we are not allowed to run formal competitions.  We can, however, run Activities for handicap purposes where we charge an entry fee, record scores, etc.  We cannot post results to social media and can’t promote the activity.  There will be no sponsors and no presentations.  At this stage we don’t know when restrictions will be lifted fully and if we will be able to play Club matchplay competitions or if we will be able to run GOY.  Lady President is hoping to hold her competition in June.  We may need to amend the stipulation that three 18 hole singles competitions are played before then to be eligible to win first prize. 


Volunteers have continued to do great work around the course and clubhouse and have planted flowers around the carpark and men’s first tee box.


Joanne Logan and Una Doyle have done a Safeguarding Refresher course.


Louise D’Arcy was happy with her Fitness class and all agreed that they were excellent.  Maeve will pass on the Ladies Committee thanks for the Fitness classes and for the mention on local radio. 


David Stapleton was thanked for the great article on Wicklow News.  The Marketing committee are trying to get members to comment on social media posts rather than just like them as this will increase traffic on the sites.


Some new outdoor seating has been provided for when the bar and catering are allowed to open again.


Notices for the Ladies 2020 AGM have been issued to all eligible to attend and vote at an A.G.M.  Ladies who do not have email addresses were sent text messages instead.  The relevant documents are posted on the website and will be updated if necessary.


The competition fees taken in for the Christmas Leagues will be re-imbursed onto the players cards. 


Mary Stapleton was congratulated on her new roles in the Leinster Regional Handicap sub-committee.  Mary will now be advising both men and women within each club assigned to her and she is the Zonal leader also.


May 2021 Web Notes


March 2021 Web Notes