May 2021 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Owen Malone and Maeve Flannery on their recent deaths.


At the last meeting the Committee were asked to think about the stipulation that three completed 18-hole competition cards are required to be eligible to win a Major competition. It was agreed that this will be reduced to two cards for the President’s Prize to the Ladies and for the Lady President’s Prize.  It will remain at three cards for the Captain’s Prize to the Ladies and the Lady Captain’s Prize. 


President Declan Long will hold his prize to the Ladies on Monday, 7th June, the first day that Major competitions are allowed.  The draws for all major competitions  will take place at least 10 days before the competition to allow unused lines to be released.  The competition sub-committee will look at the entries for each draw and will divide them into three categories.  The Best 36+ prize will now be the Best 31.4+ H.I.  


We will try to schedule at least one Wednesday Open competition a month with the reserved slots for members only.  The Tuesday competitions are all Opens. 


Members can now play Casual Rounds for handicap purposes by pre-registering their intention to play.  We are allowed charge an administration fee for this.


GOY will start this week and a text will go out to all to let them know. 

This year only the Medal competitions from June and July will qualify for the Bronze and Silver medals.  We will also run Medal competitions in August and September with the best three each month to qualify for the Lesley Hopkins Silver Salver playoff. 

There are a two new Club sponsors this year – O’Dwyer’s Pharmacy and the EBS.  Both will sponsor competitions from Tuesday to Sunday for men and ladies.   

As the timesheets are going to be fairly full during the summer months Gerry Doyle recommends for the Mixed Matchplay competition that a qualifying competition is run some Saturday with the top 8 pairs qualifying for matchplay.  All agreed with this.


The 6th green is now open and is being well received.


Juniors will have competitions on Mondays and Fridays once the schools close for the summer.  Louise D’Arcy is putting together a lesson plan for them which is included in their membership fee.


The Marketing committee would like us to include a link to the Club website when we send texts/emails/WhatsApp messages.  More traffic on the website will move Wicklow GC higher up on Google searches.  Rosemary Kavanagh was congratulated on all the great work she does behind the scenes.


We are not sure yet when the Pink Day will be held this year.  It is unlikely that we will be allowed a Saturday as the Club needs all income from competitions and societies.  We hope to get a Monday early in September.


Clodagh, Ilona, Sinead Nolan, Caitriona Fogarty and Joan Morton are looking at the possibility of producing a cookbook as a fund raiser for the Club.   



June 2021 Web Notes


April 2021 Web Notes