October 2022 Web Notes
Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Stephanie Byrne on her recent death.
An email was received from the Women in Golf Co-Ordinator for G.I., re a Leinster Charter Champion Networking event which will be held at Lucan Golf Club on 24th October. Lady Captain Ilona will attend and will bring the matter to the CoM as a male representative is also invited to attend
An email was received from NCBI re golf and a gala dinner on 14th October at a cost of €1,500 for a team of 4.
The CoM received an email from a member regarding improvements to the course. The matter was discussed by the Course subcommittee but the ladies representative was not made aware of the email. One suggestion is to move the ladies tee box on the 15th hole. It was pointed out that the ladies new 17th tee box is not in good condition and is flooding in heavy rain.
Rosemary Kavanagh has fixed the ongoing issue with the Ladies computer.
A 9 hole scramble is being arranged for the Get Into Golf ladies on a Saturday afternoon in November, just to have a little get together for them and see if they have any questions etc.
The General Manager will be taking over some of the Hospitality and Marketing roles.
Clodagh Doyle said that Christmas cards, signed by the Officers, will be sent to all sponsors, with a 4-ball voucher included. Clodagh will continue to work with the Sponsors next year but will not be on the committee.
Therese Porter said that the Governance sub-committee gave a presentation, which was open to all members recently, with about 45 members attending. Feedback was received on the night and also by email. The Governance sub-committee is taking all this into account and amending the Constitution and Polices on a regular basis.
The date for the EGM is confirmed as Friday, 28th October and notices will go out by email to all members who are eligible to attend and vote. Therese asked the committee to encourage other eligible members to read the Constitution and Policies on the website and to attend the EGM. It will only be the draft Constitution that will be voted on at the meeting.
Therese asked the ladies present if they were in agreement that the Dress code for matches and presentation nights be included in the Terms of Competitions for the new ladies and men’s committees. All those present agreed with this.
The Fashion Show is on Friday, 4th November and posters will go out soon. Tickets will be priced at €15 to include a drink and a raffle ticket. Fishers and the Pro shop will provide clothes and The Shoe Box and JJ Jewellers will provide accessories.