November 2022 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Mary Glynn (Damian Glynn’s mum), Louis Collins (Mary Cahill’s dad) and Helen Gorman (Past Lady Captain and Lady President) on their recent deaths.

We have three new full lady members. Emails were received from Golf Ireland re the Annual Handicap Review, the annual Affiliation fees, a Sports Energy Support Scheme Survey and Texaco Support for Sport. These were all forwarded to the Hon. Sec. of the CoM and the Handicap Secretary.

The Club AGM will be held on Wednesday, 14th December. The accounts have been audited and nominations for all positions will be posted on the board 14 days before the AGM. All members present at the AGM will be able to vote for any committee or golf sub-committee positions.

The Women’s Golf sub-committee will be made up of the Captain, vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Handicap Secretary and Competitions Secretary. There is also an option to co-opt two more members onto the subcommittee e.g. the President if she wishes.

€2,135 was made from the Fashion Show and Lady Captain was congratulated on her work in organising it. The money will help with refurbishing the Pool room.

Lady Captain attended the Women in Golf Charter. She will be the Women’s Charter Champion and Myles Behan has agreed to be the Men’s Charter Champion.

Next year the Club will hold an event for International Women’s Day on 8th March.

Mary Stapleton said the Annual Handicap Review has been done and changes have been approved by Golf Ireland. A further review will be done when the Winter Leagues are finished.

From next year clubs will be able to limit handicaps for any competition, not just Open days, etc. This means that we could limit handicaps in our weekly competitions and have a separate competition for higher handicaps.

Joanne Logan said that Emma Dunne and Tom Dunne are the nominations for Junior Captains for 2023. All present approved the nominations. Emma along with Aislinn Redmond played in Woodbrook for the Girl’s Medal finals and had a great day.

Lady President Doreen said the price for the Ladies Christmas dinner is €25 and Emma has agreed to include a glass of wine in the price. The Ladies committee are paying for the band on the night.

The Clubhouse is being cleaned and should be finished soon. The Christmas decorations need to be put up soon but they will have to wait until the cleaning company has finished. The children’s party will be on Saturday, 10th December. Clodagh has agreed to decorate the pool room for this.


January 2023 Web Notes


October 2022 Web Notes