May 2023 Web Notes
Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Patrick (Puddin) Doyle and Tom Malone on their recent deaths.
A Junior representative attended the meeting and proposed that six girls be approved to play in Women’s competitions. Four were approved to play in Women’s Tuesday and Wednesday competitions, one was approved to play in Women’s 9-hole competitions and the other girl still needs one more card to have a fully developed handicap and be eligible to play in Women’s competitions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The role of Club Childrens Officer is still vacant. No girls are approved to play in Women’s weekend competitions.
Emails were received from Golf Ireland re the Leinster Committee Day, Switch to Default Markers reminder, reminder that all queries and results are forwarded to the competition convenor. Entry forms for the Play in Pink competition, Courtown Interclub Trophy and Valerie Doyle competitions were posted. The Play in Pink competition will be singles this year. This will allow men and women to play together and no-one will be stuck looking for a partner.
The CoM is looking into setting up a Competition Purse. There won’t be an option to opt out of it. It should make the three Treasurer’s jobs easier. The competition fees will go into one bank account but reports can be done to see the breakdown for women and men.
Juniors are not allowed enter the 2’s competitions when playing in adult competitions.
The Handicap Review was completed. 16 women still don’t have fully developed handicaps and they will be monitored.
The Office is being asked to open the back 9 on the BRS for Fridays when the Rabbits are playing on the front 9. The Office is also being asked to make the BRS calendar available to all members for at least a month in advance.
The Women’s Golf Committee has previously requested that the distance marker on the Women’s 17th tee box be moved to the middle of the tee box but nothing has been done about it. There is also problems on some tee boxes where there is not always space to move back 2 club lengths from the markers.
It was noted that members no longer get discount in the bar when using their membership card. Members pay the same rate as outsiders. In other clubs members get a discount of up to 20%. The Club is also one of the dearest places in town for coffee. The matter will be brought to the attention of the General Manager.
A sponsor was extremely upset over the bar being closed on the day of her sponsorship and as a result the only women who attended on the night were those who were taking part in the pottery painting event. A woman member has written to the CoM regarding this matter.