June 2023 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Evelyn Goodman on her recent death. 

Ilona Madden attended the meeting as the Junior Representative. She explained the difficulty in finding someone to take on the role of Club Children’s Officer. The General Manager will take the role on a temporary basis. The first Junior competition is on Friday. Ivars Feldberg and Killian Jameson have set up all the competitions for the Junior season with help from Una Doyle and Joanne Logan. Joanne and Brian Murphy will look after the Junior Girls and Boys Interclub competitions. Rosemary Kavanagh will look after the Junior’s Golfer of the Year. 

It was also suggested that Ilona ask the CoM to hold a meeting with the parents of the Junior members to explain the situation to the parents and ask that they step up and help the Junior section. This happens in other sports clubs. 

Ilona spoke about the Safeguarding issues surrounding Junior Girls playing in the Ballycurry Singles matchplay. It was pointed out that Safeguarding issues apply to all adult competitions that Juniors play in. An email should be sent to all members asking them to be mindful of how they act and what they say when playing with Juniors. 

Emails received from; 

Golf Ireland re Weekly reports 

Guinness World Records rejecting the application for the Largest Gathering of People with Pink Hair. 

A letter was received via the CoM from one family regarding the issues they have as a family with the change to the playing rights of Juniors within the Club. 

Another letter was received from a member regarding handicap restrictions in some competitions. 

The positions of the tee markers were perfect for the last Medal competition and a thank you message was sent to the Head Greenkeeper. 

The Granard Cup (Women) and Holmpatrick Cup (Men) regional finals will be held in Wicklow Golf Club on 4th September. 

The General Manager is still looking for sponsors for the tee boxes. 

A Race night has been organised for the 21st October. 

It was noted that the concrete base for some of the old 100 yard and 150 yard post markers have been left without the posts and are a Health and Safety issue. The pathway on the 7th hole from the bridge to the tee box and the bridge itself are also dangerous. Captain Christine will bring the matter to the attention of the CoM. 

There are only four Medals and one Hole-in-One prize left in stock as well as only one Past Captain’s pins left. These are now extremely expensive and the Committee will need to think about alternatives for next year. 

The Golf Ireland regional finals will take place on 27th July and the Granard Cup regional finals on 4th September. The Committee agreed to purchase some flowers and other items that will help present the Women’s locker room in a better light. 

Captain Christine was wished the very best of luck for her Captain’s week.


July 2023 Web Notes


May 2023 Web Notes