March 2020 Web Notes
Condolences were extended to Simon and Deirdre Carroll on the death of Simon’s mother and to Ric Murawski on the death of his mother.
The 9-hole Qualifying competition that is run in conjunction with the Men’s club has been set for Monday, 11th May. This may not suit many ladies. The Ladies Club may hold it over two days – Sunday 10th May and Monday 11th May.
An email was received from President Declan Long re the positioning of an on-course toilet. Declan proposed that the toilet be located by the 11th tee box and he was seeking the approval of the Ladies Committee prior to the next Committee of Management meeting. The email with the pros and cons of this location had been forwarded to all Committee members prior to the meeting. A short discussion was held, and all agreed with the proposed new location.
The Bridge Night was very successful, and thanks were extended to Mary Flynn, Bernadette Roundtree and Phyllis Kavanagh for running the cards on the night. Thanks were also extended to Lady Captain Clodagh and Una for all the work they did on the night and to all who donated prizes for the raffle.
The 9-hole Mixed on Saturdays will resume on 7th March.
Tomasz, the chef, has handed in his notice and will leave towards the end of March.
Several different social and fund-raising ideas are planned for the year ahead; traditional music for St. Patrick’s Day, an Easter Raffle for April, the Greenkeepers Revenge for June and a Race Night for September.
Louise D’Arcy is going to hold a Women’s Day event on Sunday, 8th March which is International Women’s Day. It will be similar to last year with two sessions during the day.
Competitions are going well. The 9-hole Spring League will end next week, and the Weekend Spring League has three more weeks. The Spring League presentations will take place at 8pm on Wednesday, 25th March. The Competitions committee will review the weather over the next few weeks before deciding on 14-hole or 18-hole competitions for Wednesdays in March. The Tuesday competition will no longer be labelled as Senior Competition – it will now be open to all Ladies.
A Rules Night will take place this coming Friday night at 8pm. It is open to all adult members. Mary Stapleton, Rosemary Kavanagh and Therese Porter will attend a World Handicapping System seminar.
Lady Captain will raise the matter of cleaning at the next CoM meeting. There are cobwebs in the Tower and in the general lounge area. The tops of tables get wiped down but not the legs and sides. It’s a very grey area as to who should do this – Bar staff, Catering staff or the Cleaner? This needs to be sorted out before the new chef starts.