February 2020 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Bridget Murphy (Breda Carroll’s mother). 

It was with regret that the committee accepted a letter of resignation from Terri Cullen.  As a result of this Lady Captain Clodagh nominated Una Doyle as Treasurer.  Mary Stapleton seconded the proposal and it was passed unanimously.

An email was received in relation to limiting the number of users on the WGC Ladies WhatsApp group requesting that the committee amend their decision to the way it was previously. A discussion was held, and all agreed that the change remains.  All other responses to the change were very supportive of the move taken by the Ladies Committee.

An email was received from a lady who is concerned that the timesheet for ladies on Day 2 of the Lady Captain’s Prize will be very late with the risk of ladies finishing in the dark.  She asked that the leading 12 ladies start first on the day.  Lady Captain said she has discussed the timesheet with Captain Aidan Doyle and assured the committee that there will be changes to the Men’s usual timesheet on their Saturday qualifying day.  They will have a more restricted timesheet with the Ladies starting at 3pm/3.30pm.  The Committee agreed that the format on the day will remain as normal with ladies going out in reverse order

Lady Captain reported that there is a change this year from normal practice within the Committee of Management.  Pat Stapleton was elected Chairperson and Captain Aidan has been elected vice Chairperson.  A finance proposal was received from the Bank.  The CoM are pleased with it and it has been accepted by the Trustees.  The Club has been approved for funding for the practice area and plans are being considered.  The issue of the on-course toilet has not gone away but funding will need to be raised for it.

Junior lessons took place at Gormanstown Driving Range with 40+ juniors involved.  Additional lessons will be arranged in the coming weeks. 

The Marketing sub-committee is considering several different projects for the coming year and Louise D’Arcy is researching the price of green fees.  It may be that our Green fees are too low.

Louise suggested that the Ladies Club change Wednesday timesheets to 4-balls. The Committee discussed this matter but feel that in the current climate where pace of place is a topic of conversation world-wide, we will remain with 3-balls. Louise also discussed the possibility of the Ladies Club having two categories in the major competitions, with category 1 being zero to 20 and category 2 being 21+.  The ladies would play within their categories on major days.  The Competitions sub-committee have already discussed having categories for the draws on major days so that no group will have two inexperienced golfers in it.  There will be no set handicap limits for the categories, they will be set on the day of the draw to low, medium and high.

The Spring Leagues are going well with a record number of 26 taking part in the Weekend League.  One lady has been performing really well over the last few weeks and has had her handicap reduced as a result. 

Liam Blake, a professional photographer, has taken a photo of Wicklow Golf course that will feature in a calendar for 2021. The calendar will be sold worldwide and will be great advertising for the club. 

A question was asked if there is any reduction in the Weekend League as one lady has now won 4 weeks in a row.  It was pointed out that the Weekend League is run in conjunction with the weekly competition.  A domestic handicap would have to be applied for the League as the Weekend competition can sometimes be played as V-Par.  Mary Stapleton pointed out that the lady in question has had a handicap reduction applied which is most unusual at this time of year. 

The Ladies Club fundraising Bridge night will take place on Friday, 21st February.  The Committee will provide raffle prizes and wine as the main prizes.  The Bar will provide tea and coffee for refreshments on the night.


March 2020 Web Notes


January 2020 Web Notes