RNLI Lifeboat Fundraising Team Scramble

As part of our long association with Wicklow RNLI Lifeboat Station, Wicklow Golf Club is again running a fundraising event on the Bank holiday Monday, August 7th coming. 

This will be a four person scramble, any combination women or men. Wicklow RNLI Lifeboat was established in 1857, for the purpose of saving lives at sea. 

The Station continues to operate and is run by dedicated volunteers who crew the boats, fundraise and manage the Station to ensure immediate readiness when assistance is required.

All money raised during this competition will go directly to Wicklow RNLI Lifeboat Station to fund their activities. 

Can we please ask that you all support this very worthy cause by entering a team, BRS is now open for bookings. 

If you are not available on the day you can support by making a donation in the collection box in the bar and /or purchase raffle tickets. 

Thank you in advance for your support.


Update to Local Rules (July 2023)


New way to Top up Bar Purse & Pay Subscriptions