September 2020 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Michael “Turkey” Doyle, Yvonne Kelly’s brother and to Phyllis Behan and family on the recent death of her brother Oliver Padden.

The flag poles have been replaced and are working well. 

As a result of new COVID restrictions all indoor staff must wear masks when in contact with the public.

The CoM have appointed a Course Ranger who will operate on Saturdays and Sundays.

The new website is up and running but work on it is still in progress.  Mary Cahill will be trained on using it to update the Ladies results and documents.  Ilona Madden offered to do the training also. 

Overseas society bookings have been cancelled for this year.

Mary Stapleton said that the competitions are going well with only one competition being postponed due to bad weather.  The Golf Sure competition will take place over 2 weeks and an email has gone out to all about it.  There are two more Wednesday sponsors left and if these competitions have to be postponed, the sponsorship will be moved to Sat/Sun competitions. 

There are two more Wednesday 18-hole competitions left and the Winter Leagues will start then.  It was agreed to cancel the Ladies Christmas dinner this year, which was due to take place on Friday, 4th December.  As a result of this the 9-hole Winter League can run from Wednesday 7th October to Tuesday, 8th December – 9 weeks in total.  Six weeks will count for scoring and anyone that plays four weeks or more will receive a prize.  The Weekend League will run from Sat 3rd/Sun 4th Oct to Sat 12th /Sun 13th December – 11 weeks in total.  Eight weeks will count for scoring and anyone that plays four weeks or more will receive a prize.  The entry fee will be €10.  SIG ladies who have handicaps are allowed to play in the 9-hole league.  The prizes will be given out on Wednesday, 16th December.

Many ladies have lost shots over the summer months.  The WHS is due to start in November and handicap reviews will be done around then also.

Una Doyle said that there are now 6 girls playing 18-holes – the first time in six years that we’ve had so many.  The Junior committee are working on a plan for Super Sixes and will meet with Louise about coaching.  The Junior committee are also considering setting up some of the lower handicap members as mentors for the juniors.  Congratulations were extended to Una and the Junior committee on the great work they have done this season.

Maeve O’Boyle said Louise played in Birr Golf Club recently and they had signs on every second or third hole reminding members to keep social distancing.  Louise thought it was a good idea and asked if the Club would consider it.  A discussion was held but it was agreed that the signs could become a litter problem due to the wind and that most members like to have a break from constant COVID reminders while they are playing golf.  

Lady Captain Clodagh said Philip O’Sullivan, the chef, is working well but members must be reminded to book a table if they wish to eat in the restaurant.  Lady Captain will thank the staff for all the hard work they are doing – constantly cleaning, serving, generally helping out.  It was agreed to wait until next year to clean the silverware in the foyer.

Nora Dunne said the stone marker for the Ladies 13th tee box has been put in place as has the wiring around the ladies 14th tee box to stop members walking over it. 

Ilona Madden said that Failte Ireland is running a marketing event for golf clubs with Tour Operators.  The event takes place online on 15th/16th September and will be similar to speed dating.  The committee are putting a mailing list together for societies, but it is hard to plan with COVID.  The 6th hole, “The Nose”, has featured in the Independent newspaper Top 50 holes in Ireland.  The committee will promote this as much as possible starting with the Play in Pink Day where all players will be allowed a Mulligan from The Nose.

The inside door on the Ladies locker room will be closed over from now on due to the possibility of small animals entering.   The keypad will be disconnected, and hand sanitizer be provided for ladies inside the door. 

An email on Course Etiquette will be sent to all.  Ilona will look into the possibility of doing a Zoom PowerPoint presentation on Course Etiquette.

A question was raised as to whether the Saturday Mixed will be scheduled this year – this will be looked into. 

Lady Captain will find out if the chef will be available for the Wicklow date for the Alliance. 

A question was asked about this year’s GOY and if it is being played for.  Could it be amalgamated with next year as some ladies are playing very well this year?  It was pointed out that it was agreed at the July meeting that GOY would not be played for this year as it is usually played over the months April to August and we had already missed competitions in three of the five months.  It was also unclear how COVID restrictions would affect competitions as the summer progressed. 

Maeve O’Boyle said her son joined the Juniors this year and she has seen first-hand all the work that has been done for the Juniors.  She complimented Una, Teresa and the Junior committee on their hard work and on making coping with COVID restrictions as easy as possible. 

Lady President Ann will get new plants for the flowerpots at the front door. 


October 2020 Web Notes


August 2020 Web Notes