November 2021 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Jamesie Doyle, Eithne McGovern, Patricia Horan and Johnny McDonald on their recent deaths.

Golf Ireland have invited Wicklow Golf Club to host the South Area final of the Australian Spoons on Monday, 20th June 2022. All agreed and the matter will be forwarded to the CoM for approval, subject to the Juniors being allocated time after the Australian Spoons.

Captain Aidan Doyle has asked an architect to develop drawings for an on-course toilet. Fundraising will be carried out to help finance the project.

The Handicap committee will carry out the Annual Handicap Review before the end of the month. The Tuesday competitions will change to 13/14 hole competitions from next week.

V-Par competitions do not work with the new handicapping system. The Men’s committee have agreed not to hold any V-Par competitions and the Ladies committee agreed likewise. The Ladies Committee will run some extra foursomes competitions in the summer months next year. One of these foursomes competitions will be used as a qualifier for our Foursomes matchplay.

The Junior Committee was disappointed that the Junior Play in Pink day was cancelled due to bad weather. A Winter League has been set up for the Juniors.

The Sunday Carvery started yesterday and was a big success.

The Ladies A.G.M. will be held on Wednesday, 24th November at 7.30pm. Notice has been sent to all relevant ladies by email. Notices are in the locker room and on the website also. There are no Matters for Discussion and as no other names were entered on the sheet for Nomination to Committee or Office there will not be a vote on the night. Due to the recent high COVID numbers the A.G.M. will be held by Zoom call.

The Annual Handicap Review took place and the report will be sent to G.I. within the week.

The committee agreed that we will proceed with our plans for the Winter League presentation on Friday, 10th December as we are within government COVID guidelines. However, should the guidelines change before then we will make alternative arrangements and will notify ladies then.


January 2022 Web Notes


October 2021 Web Notes