May 2022 Web Notes

Condolences were extended to Deirdre Carroll and family on the recent death of her brother Colm Hayes.

The 2’s competition is being looked at by the CoM.

9-hole competitions have started on Wednesdays. The price has increased from €3 to €5 and now entry is done in the Pro. Shop. This will bring the 9-hole ladies into the Pro. shop and may bring more business for the shop.

A 9-hole Round Robin matchplay event will be set up for the higher handicaps. Ladies are not allowed play their matches on Wednesdays as it would be better if they continue to play in the weekly competitions, either 18 or 9-hole.

All team captains are asked to contact Robin Heather with team information and results so that he can put the details on Facebook. Aidan Doyle is updating a chart for the main noticeboard on the landing with team dates and results.

Rosemary Kavanagh is working on the Business Hub for the website. If any member has a business they can get their information put on this.

Lady Captain congratulated Lady President Doreen for the great marketing the Club received from the Pink Day and Virgin Media breakfast show. There has been great interaction on our social media sites as a result. Lady President said that we were due to get two slots on the show but the members were great getting involved and as a result seven slots were recorded. She thanked all the members for the great support.

Bar and catering are busy, especially at the weekends. President Martin organised a group to clean up around the Clubhouse before the Pink Day. Lady President is concerned about the amount of rubbish being left around. She even found some in the hedge. The bin between the ladies and men’s locker rooms is over-flowing, as well as the bins in the locker room near the Pro. shop. Lady President would like the bins to be removed and everyone bring home their own rubbish.

A wooden floor will be installed in the restaurant area.

The Junior Play in Pink Day was held on Friday 22nd April and €200 was raised. Following the success of the Little and Large competitions last year the Junior committee are organising one for Saturday, 14th May.

Nora Dunne was asked if the ladies markers can be put on the upper tee box on the 11th hole sometimes. Nora will contact Casey about this.

The Committee agreed that a 9-hole competition will be held on the Saturdays of the ladies majors. As there is no competition for the 5-Day members for Major prizes a suggestion was made that Lady Captain and Lady President invite the 5-day ladies for a coffee in the clubhouse on the day and this may show the ladies what they are missing out on.

Congratulations were extended to all for another very successful Play in Pink Day. There was a great atmosphere around the Clubhouse and course over the weekend. Some ladies decorated the tower on Monday night before the Virgin Media crew arrived early on Tuesday morning. Tom and Emma had tea and coffee ready for everyone. Some ladies baked scones for the event and the ladies present cleaned up afterwards. Lady Captain said her guests from Blainroe were very impressed with the event on Monday.


June 2022 Web Notes


April 2022 Web Notes