July 2022 Web Notes
Condolences were extended to the family and friends of Johnny Flood, Ann Coffey and Aidan Ring on their recent deaths.
The new General Manager, Jim Melody, attended the last CoM meeting and is taking an interest in the Club already and is active on our social media pages.
The on-course toilet is being paid through fundraising and the plans will go on the notice board.
A 5-year plan was sent out to all members recently.
New hand-dryers will be purchased for the ladies locker room and upstairs toilets.
It was proposed that the Fashion Show be held on Friday, 4th November. The Shoe Box and the Pro shop will also get involved.
The computer is still giving problems for both ladies and men.
All present complimented the Chef on the food for the Lady Captain’s night. All also agreed that the new Bar staff are a great addition to the team, they are always very friendly, helpful and always cleaning up as they go.
A new drop zone will be put into place on the 17th hole on a temporary basis. This will be at the bottom of the second lake.
One lady asked if a sign could be put on the men’s 6th tee box (not the Nose tee box) asking men to check the 8th fairway before teeing off. It is very dangerous when hitting a second shot on the right-hand side of the 8th fairway.
All complimented the planting around the 17th tee boxes.
The Grounds staff will be asked that the large gravel area at the back of the 10th tee box be marked as GUR.
The Club has renewed its MyGolfSociety membership which many societies use to book outings.
The Junior boys came fourth overall in Stackstown for the Tilestyle Trophy with Thomas Dunne coming 2nd in the individual gross. The girls teams only played 9 holes. The Junior committee have been congratulated on how they are running the junior section by many parents.
The Committee agreed to send a Thank You card to Des Nichols acknowledging his generosity in collecting golf balls for the beginner ladies.
The Australian Spoons area final was a great success and everyone who helped clean and decorate the Clubhouse was congratulated. It was a great showcase for the Club.
One lady said that she finds it embarrassing that although we have a caterer we still cannot offer hot food after matches. The catering hours for the summer months were extended but most matches are not finished in time. The new General Manager will be looking into the matter over the next few months.
The Telecom mast needs upgrading and the company involved is doing a survey of the surrounding areas to see if there is a better location for it. The mast is worth a lot of money for the Club so hopefully they will continue using the Club for the new mast.