February 2022 Web Notes

We received an entry form for the Boyne Trophy matchplay competition. We have already pre-paid for this competition and all agreed to take part this year.

The committee agreed that we would not enter the Mary McKenna Diamond Trophy.

The CoM received a letter from some members asking that some of the gorse on the par 3, 11th hole, be removed to allow for a bigger landing area. They also received some letters opposing the request. The Ladies committee discussed the matter and all agree that the gorse should be left as it is. It should not be trimmed.

Golf Ireland has updated the Team reports to show the lowest handicap indexes for each member between 1st July 2021 and 1st January 2022. This is needed to determine eligibility for G.I. teams.

The Carvery is a success and members are asked to book a table in advance. The kitchen area will be steam cleaned every two months. Some new equipment has been ordered and a kitchen porter has been hired to help clean up at the end of the day.

It was mentioned that some members have difficulty finding a table to sit and have coffee on a Sunday after golf due to the numbers availing of the carvery. Members will have to get into the habit of reserving a table before they go out to play on a Sunday.

Visitors should be signed in to the Visitors book at all times to be covered by our insurance.

The Junior Committee has set up a Spring League for the Juniors. At present there is a waiting list for Junior members.

A planning application is being processed for the proposed on-course toilet. A septic tank will need to be installed.

Sponsors have been contacted and about 80% are willing to sponsor this year.

There will be more of a distinction between the official W.G.C. Facebook page and the Member’s page. All results will be on the official page.

The Marketing sub-committee are targeting new members, emphasizing that there is no joining fee. They are also targeting golf societies, green fees and people out walking.

Lady President will put together a Volunteer list of men and women for cleaning.

A suggestion was made that a board be put in the Ladies locker room for the winners of the Tottenham Trophy as it is not possible to put names on the trophy itself. The Trophy is very old and we don’t have a list of all the winners. It was suggested that the board could start at the year 2000. A board will be priced over the coming months.

A suggestion was made that a gardening committee be put together to look after the planting on the 10th tee box and around the 17th green. All agreed that this is a good idea and that some members who are not already on committees should be asked to go on it.

A presentation and rules night will take place on Wednesday, 9th February.

Ian Mooney will run an on-course rules session once the weather is a bit better.

The Pink Day will be Invitational/Semi Open but will be open to members first.


March 2022 Web Notes


January 2022 Web Notes