Ladies Christmas Party 2021 - Cancelled
Due to the rise in Covid numbers, the Ladies Christmas Dinner has been replaced with a Winter League Presentation. See details here.
Ladies, it’s not long until our Christmas Party on Friday, 10th December. We have limited space available and we ask that you register electronically for the event. For this, we have opened up the BRS system: just scroll down in BRS until the 10th December. Select the 10th Tee box and put your name down anywhere that says "Ladies Christmas party" - ignore the times - we will, of course, all start at the same time, 7pm.
We are, of course, subject to COVID guidelines. Anyone attending must have a COVID vaccination cert (either digital or paper version), masks must be worn when you are not seated at a table and we would ask that if you have any symptoms that you do not attend.
Lady Captain Clodagh and Lady President Ann want to make it very special for you and are providing a Prosecco & canapes reception. As we had so many months of not being able to dress up they would like the theme for this year’s party to be Glamour. A chance to dress up and sparkle in our glitz and high heels and make up for all we’ve missed over the last two years. It is NOT mandatory that you follow this dress code. We will be delighted to see you no matter what you wear.
The cost for the two course meal is €25, payable at the bar before 10th December.
We are really looking forward to seeing as many of you at the party as possible. However, we understand that some ladies will not feel comfortable to attend on the night. If you are due to receive a prize in the Winter League(s) please let the committee know in advance.