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1st Liz Cuddihy (15) 34 + 43 = 77pts
2nd Clair Higgins (5) 39 + 34 = 73pts
3rd Carol Murphy (19) 33 + 37 = 70pts c/b
4th Rosemary Kavanagh (8) 35 + 35 = 70pts c/b
5th Ilona Madden (26) 35 + 35 = 70pts c/b
6th Valerie Brennan (11) 35 + 32=67pts c/b
Best 36+ (Playing) Ena Hickey (44) 36 + 31=67
Past Captain Una Doyle (15) 35 + 31 = 66pts
Best Score Day 1 Amanda Reynolds (27) 36pts
Best Score Day 2 Joanne Logan (22) 37pts
Nearest Pin Wed 9th Hole Carol Murphy
Longest Drive Wed 18th Hole Valerie Brennan
Hole In One Wed 3rd Hole (Par 4) Valerie Brennan
Please note there is no Gross as the best gross is in the top 2 prizes