Membership Application Form Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * Address * Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Occupation * Employer Name * Category of Membership Applied for * Full Member (€1,303) 5 Day (€805) Intermediate (€805) Junior Intermediate (€305) (existing members only) Junior (€180) Overseas (€367) Social (€63) Are you, or have you ever been a member of a Golf Club * Yes No If Yes, please state the name of Club If Yes, please enter your Golf Ireland (GUI/ILGU) Number for the Club Lowest Handicap Current World Handicap Index (A copy of your last detailed handicap certificate from Golf Ireland will be required.) Are you, or have you ever been a member of a Golf Society? * Yes No If Yes, please state name of Society Lowest Society Handicap Current Society Handicap Do you have any relatives who are members of Wicklow Golf Club: * Yes No How did you hear about Wicklow Golf Club * Instagram Facebook LinkedIn East Coast Radio Promotional Flyer Member of Wicklow Golf Club Other If Other, please state: Wicklow Golf Club regularly sends notices relating to club activities by text and email to members: Do you wish to receive such communications? * Yes No Proposer's Name (if unknown at this time enter NA) * First Name Last Name Seconder’s Name (if unknown at this time enter NA) * First Name Last Name Should my membership application be successful, I understand my details will be shared with Golf Ireland for Handicapping administration and my golf scores and handicap index will be made available to other members of this club via MyGolf, Golf Ireland App and other technology platforms for the purpose of Peer Review. I understand that as a condition of holding a handicap index, the World Handicap System requires that my scoring record be made available for viewing by fellow club members of this golf club. * I Agree Thank you! If you have any questions please contact the office.